Monday, June 30, 2008

Recovery before loading.

Foam rolling the hard to work peroneals.The foam roller segment is my favorite part of my presentation.

Man, my butt is cooked! It's been nonstop ever since leaving for the Level 2 Thursday after working 3/4's of my normal shift . And as always, an RKC certification is a whirlwind of incredible people, an amazing disemination of information and knowledge and an energy level that could light up major cities! I always learn more than I teach when I go to a cert, and especially a Level 2, where the emphasis is on cutting edge techniques, technologies and data.
It was a tough day though for the candidates on friday as their level one

skills were worked hard to make sure they were technically ready for the level 2 skills and many got their hats handed to them.
Point to future Level 2 candidates- DO NOT NEGLECT YOUR LEVEL ONE SKILLS! Especially your swing technque and overhead position and stability. You will not enjoy yourself as much,lol.
Although I did.And the new info that Brett, Kenneth,Andrea put out was excellent.I'm sure almost all the candidates have major headaches JUST the information overload they got. Oh well.
Tracy came with me this time and that was excellent! She had a great time hanging out and cooking with Fawn as well as KB training,doing yoga,walking and being with me at the cert. She also got a chance to do the new Max vo2 protocol and was seriously impressed with the difficulty. If Tracy has a hard time with it you KNOW it's tough,lol.
I should be ready for the new one in a year or so. Maybe.

But it was tough long days and a major flight delay got us into SFO, an hour away from home, so Rif didnt get to sleep til 1:30 or so and there was a 4 am wakeup call on tap. That' the life of an independent trainer; no work no pay so off to work I go.Plus the flight was a breeze, crowded to the gills, a screaming 3 year old with parents who had know idea of what parenting actually was or how to keep their kid from screamin, a 12 foot guy sitting behind me with his knees in my back the whole flight and no ability to recline the seat. Oh yeah, the airline switched out seats without telling us so no aisle either.Lovely.
SOOOOOO.... I had really wanted to do a swing workout today as I havent had a proper workout since last monday. I love going to certs but it really messes with my training. I'm just a rigid guy I guess,lol.
BUT, I brought the G5 thumper with me( as always) and barely turned it on the entire weekend, despite walking more than normal. THAT was very very cool. I remember not so long ago the walk to and from the airport and then to the hotel kicked my knee's ass but good. I had to lay down, rest, stretch, thump and pray. A lot.
What a difference.
I was very very pleased with my presentation on Length Tension relationships and Restoring Lost Function. I had condensed it,organized it better and I hope people came away with even more real world tools to get right to work on themselves and their clients. Cool shoes.
I also want to say that my client and friend Cindy Glass just ROCKED the HOUSE and passed easily and strongly despite coming down with flu just days before. I really can't imagine how much THAT would suck, but she's is one tough RKC. Congrats Cindy, you are such a pleasure to work with. Check out more pictures and videos of Cindy on Mrs Rifs blog
So its recovery before loading today, eating well and a lot and resting. I will get 20 minutes of medum swings in tomorrow at 5 am before getting back to Bikrams tomorrow afternoon with Mrs Rif. Then Snatch Vo2 on Wednesday. There also seems to be a third Bikrams day in the offing. Six days of training a week. Man it's almost like being a gymnast again :))
Plus, it's RKC season for me and 5 weeks from now its the UCLA cert then the CK FMS. Good times! Lots more photos and videos check out tracy's blog
Datsit, time to eat and sleep.


Joe Sarti said...

Awesome rif, sounds like another amazing experience to add to a long and getting longer list. I look forward to the Max VO2 protocol as I am planning on using this as part of my marathon training program cross training regimen and I am curious to the new method.

You always have had the Yogi in you and good to see you doing the Bikram and that you and Tracy are able to enjoy this is awesome to share with your partner ;-)

6 days a week, the power of bells and yoga is just amazing!

continued success my friend

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks joe. the new protocol is a peaking method for max vo2 and doesnt need to be done until one has done the 15:15 and 36:36 for quite some time. and then only for 4-6 weeks bursts.

Mark Reifkind said...

oh yeah, the gymnast/yogi in me is coming back strongly.

Franz Snideman said...

Great right up Rif! Sounds like another successful RKC!

See you at UCLA!!!

Joe Sarti said...

Thank you Rif for the feedback and yes, strong and flexible ;-)

I look forward to your continued evolution

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...