Sunday, February 17, 2008

Team Rif San Jose RKC 2008

Well ,the first ever San Jose RKC is now history and what incredible exeperience it was.These three day intesives run the gamut of intellectual, physical and emotional spectrum. It's truly an amazing thing to get so many like minded, singularly focused and incredibly physically strong people together in such an intense setting.

Plus, where do you find such strange goings on as impromtu nail bending, phone book tearing and sledge hammer leveraging at the after trainings dinner party?

Tyler and Brett going after the books

Tracy got it on video

Plus, I got to meet THE Dan John,coach and athlete extraordinare, as well as over all nice guy over drinks at the post cert dinner. So smart and yet so humble.

Fawn is a big Dan John fan. As are we all.

But the best part was Team Rif.These guys came together so strongly for the technique testing as well as the 'victim' teaching it was inspiring to see. The real test of the weekend is NOT the snatch test but the teaching test.We don't care how much of a stud you are with a kettlebell if you can't teach Aunt Betsy properly and not get her hurt.And teach well they did.

Plus it was so cool having Tracy around as well. She's way cute and takes great pictures!

The boys be done for the weekend! Rif out. I need some sleep.


D Silveri said...

bummer, it was sad to say good bye to everyone after mine in june. Looked like a good time!

san jose will be a regular thing????

Taikei Matsushita said...

Agree, three days are short.
June RKC was too good to be true and felt real sad when everyone left the hotel.

Howie B said...

Awesome Rif. I remember when I first started reading your blog and you were talking about a 'cert'?? I had no idea what was going on. Now I so look forward to reading about what's going on. Thanks for sharing with all the pics.

Mark Reifkind said...

yes it looks like sj will be a regular cert location and when it's all over there it's strange to say good bye to all the people you made such an intense connection with

Mark Reifkind said...


not sure if it's short but it is weird once everyone's gone and your waiting to leave.

thanks man, I do like chronically these now for posterity.

BJ Bliffert said...

Certs are always a blast, looks like you had a great group.

Awesome you got to meet Dan John, I am jealous!

mark blakemore said...

made a decision to attend a cert this year. major part due to your passion and not only what you bring to the plate but how you conduct yourself.

looking forward to more stuff on cert. especially the beast tamers.

Unknown said...

Howie, when are we gonna get YOU to a cert? Did you already do one?

Unknown said...

Great Post and great pics! It was nice seeing you Rif and thanks for taking care of baby Marianna. It gave us a chance to eat :)

You have a lovely wife!

fawn said...

Good stuff Mark! Thanks for having me out... I had a great time visiting!

Mark Reifkind said...


so good to hear, what cert are you going to? I hope it is one I will be teaching at. thanks for the kid words and glad to know I helped get you there. you will not regret it!

Mark Reifkind said...

it was so good to see you guys and your beautiful baby. I am so sorry we left without saying goodbye. I was just a little out of it by then :))( blame Dan John,lol)
see you guys soon.

Mark Reifkind said...

Bj yea it was solid. more on the beast challenge later, But I didnt get any pics, we'll have to wait for dennis.

Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

where do you find such strange goings on as impromtu nail bending, phone book tearing and sledge hammer leveraging at the after trainings dinner party?

that is the money line of the day

Mark Reifkind said...


its a very interesting group of people that's for sure,lol!

Aaron Friday said...

Who's the Z guy in the first photo? Look at the feet.

Howie B said...

Dr. Cheng, I am looking to cert in the Fall. Right now prehabbing my elbows. Then need to get back on track working on my snatch numbers. Maybe I'll see you then. Wherever it may be...

Brett Jones said...

Great to work with and learn from you yet again - thanks for your coaching on Thursday and your help during the cert.
The RKC School of strength continues to improve...

Unknown said...

Howie, get out to LA! We just added the LA cert for August 1-3 at UCLA, and it's looking like the sweetest setup yet! I'd jump on the registration soon, because I'll bet that it sells out completely in 2 weeks.

Howie B said...

Awesome, August in LA?? I've never been to LA. I think that just might be my cert!! Thanks for pointing that out Dr. Cheng.

Rif you gonna be at the LA cert?

And Rif, you didn't mention what the grad workout surprise was...

Mark Reifkind said...


yes I will be teaching there. the grad workout was 50 sets of max vo2 15:15 snatches!

Howie B said...

Rif, I'll see you in August!

Looking forward to meeting you.

35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29