Saturday, February 02, 2008

32 kg Swing PR

I was suprised I eked this one out today as it took me forever to get my body warmed up and my head into it.The good news is that by the halfway point I was actually starting to feel better and had some desire to not just do the 300 reps I had planned but make a run for a pr. Today was one of those days the two pood just felt heavy in my hand. Don't like that much.Did a lot of demostrating yesterday and I could feel it a bit.

One arm swing

32kgx10/10x 18 sets
360 reps Pr ( by 20 reps)
25,920 lbs

It definitely crossed my mind to just keep going and hit 400 but then I realized I was being greedy and I had started today sore and beat. I decided to be mature and take the small pr. Beside. this way the next time I don't have to do 420 to get a record :))
Small, steady, constant improvement is the key.

One arm CB cast

That 25lber is tough! Especially the jump from the 15.The second sets were better when the shoulder opened up a bit.

One CB torch press
25x 1! left
x 3/4 right
Just wanted to see if I could do it. I couldnt keep my elbow externally rotated all the way on the right shoulder so I couldnt lock it out but it was close. Man that is tough balance.way hard on the wrist and grip too.

Two CB Torch swings
(2) 15s x 10x 2

I think light(10lbs) mills would be better here at this point. Next week.
Actually feel much better now that I've trained and loosened up. Some Z and floor poses later and some real rest tomorrow!

Datsit,staying loose.


Joe Sarti said...

Congrats Rif, the program design and all that prep work produced a fantastic effort today. Solid as usual

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man,I wanted to finish strong as I moved into the certs weekends.

4 Ranges, RKC said...

Hey Rif, that's awesome congrats!

That's really strong; I remember the last time I hit a similar number...but it was with the 24kg. I sure walked funny for a few days after ;)

Also, I think you hit the nail on the head about wanting to "push" for a bit more (going to 400). I think we often like to say that we're pushing ourselves to better ourselves, but in fact there's a huge element of being greedy too. Exercising that discretion saves us a lot physically, but I think it also helps strengthen and promote a more mature perspective on fitness.

Then again, anytime we feel like backing off, I always tell my training partner "you feel like quitting? did you read Rif's poundages lately????" LOL!!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, that's like music to my ears:))
It's been so long since I could push things a bit and get away with it( I"m actually NOT walking funny today,lol.Yet.)I used to take great pride in out lifting my younger and non injured training partners all the time.
I can't really push the weight up anymore but I sure can do the work. Almost as satisfying and nice to see myself getting better over time.
One thing I tell people all the time is NOT to be in toomuch of a hurry to hit big numbers or use heavier weights.It will come soon enough. And when your 70% weights or numbers are what your maxes used to be its just that much harder.
Win, lose or draw; next day it's back in the gym.

Aaron Friday said...

Congrats, Rif! That is an amazing PR.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron, I actually was thinking about you when I contemplated going for the 400 reps. I thought " now this will impress Aaron. Eh, it will have to wait, I'm tired,lol"

Aaron Friday said...

Believe me, I'm impressed. Like you wrote, the next step would then have to be 420.

Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

a good start to the weekend... nice PR!

35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29