Saturday, February 09, 2008

Ah yes, the peak.

I remember this.When normally heavy weight feels light and high loads feel easy.
Nice of it to show itself on cue.The cert is next weekend and I treat it like a three day endurance competition.Yet I rembember very clearly when just getting through the airport and to the cert made me cringe knowing how much it was going to hurt to walk that much. Being on my feet for a full day was a feat of strength endurance for me, given the state of my knee and back.Much less three.
And each time I did more kettlebell training and each cert got easier.It's never going to be painfree, not with this knee but it's better only by 1000% or so.And now I know how to get myself unlocked when things 'fall out' as they tend to do.
So todays swing session with the 24 kg was a great suprise when the bell felt light and the semi hi rep sets felt downright easy. Even with solid acceleration on each rep.Nice.....
More walking and standing this week as I back off even more.Thinking about doing Max Vo2 on Monday and just doing Z and stretching on wednesday. More rest is good even though I HATE backing off :))
It was great to do ladders again, haven't done them in ages.Have to put them back in.

One Arm Swings Ladders

two times through these =360 reps
four times through this= 120 reps
480 total reps(76% of pr)
25,440 lbs

very strong and solid.

CB Mill
10lbsx 20/20

For some reason these have been calling my name. The key is to do them after a kb move and to use the ten pounder.Then it becomes a mobility/ stability/endurance exercise and not so much a strength endurance move.With the lower load I can focus on the higher reps with less stress.At least given my current level of conditioning with it.

Two hand arm cast
25lbsx10x6 sets

These rock! So much good stretching of the long head of the triceps. good work .

Datsit! Finally a sunny day. Its 60 something degrees, clean and sunny and I feel defrosted for the first time in ages.


Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

rif-nice PR. that's some insane volume.

i posted a reply on my blg. anxious to hear your thoughts.


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks sean.its good that it doesnt feel like an insane volume number finally :))
I'll check your blog.

Adam said...


whats going on, 60 degrees? Damn man its negative 30 today.

Big bends this week-i am backing off tomorrow-Thursday with the clubs and 15/15. I put casey through ten minutes 15/15, she said she has never worked harder in her life.

Kenneth Jay said...

Great work as always Rif! have a great time at the cert- I wish I could be there...

Taikei Matsushita said...

RKC cert at your back yard, and you get to sleep in your own bed. Does it help you a bit?

Good luck to all the team Rifs. You lead us like a championship coach when I was there.

Mark Reifkind said...

you've gotten so much done lately, it's huge. and yes 60 deg and sunny in february is why i put up with earthquakes!I would literally turn into a block of ice if I lived where you do.I'm still enough when it's warm:))

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, it's never the same without you, you will be missed!I will carry the Max Vo2 torch for you!

Mark Reifkind said...


not sure it will or not.It will be strange, thats for sure.I'm kind of use to Minnesota but I'm just hoping for no rain- don't want to be inside.
thank you as well for the comment, I do try to treat my teams just like that, I love teaching at these things.

35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29