Wednesday, November 30, 2022

195 x 5 x 1, 200 x 5 x 1, 24 kg swings, band pushdowns

 Rough day as Tuna is very  sick. Hard to concentrate and rushed through. Cold as hell too but ended up with a decent session, all things considered. The two big takeaways is that I can't stop gripping the toes to make sure I stay  on the X. Either  one and the bar rolls forward just a bit

But all good and the technique held and the timing of the touch and go is getting better each time I do it

It has to be quick, actually shallow on the dip part  and the rest of the body has to stay rigid ( hence the toe grip or my knees flex)

Was slow to warm  up so I took 185 x 1 x 2 sets

then 5 sets of 1 with 195

then 5 sets with 200 these were actually better and faster

then 24 kg swings for 5 x 8/8

band pushdowns for 3 x 20 these were excellent. all long head with the elbows slightly in front

BW 176.6
BF 14.1

Monday, November 28, 2022

"Touch and go" 215, 225 x X, 220, 215 , 205 5x1, wt pushups, laterals rear delts

 What a great day! Best heavy day in forever. AND my ( our ) 35th wedding anniversary. The touch and go technique worked great. Long way to go before I master it but this is me.

The same thing as in my deadlift. I needed a 'fast start' to lift anything decent at all. Here is pretty much the same thing but even harder to change as that is my  natural predilection in pressing MOVE FAST. Embrace it and control it but I have to admit speed is my strength in this  move

 If I count 195 I did 11 sets at or near 200 lbs today and that is record. I kept feeling more confident with the technique as I went on.

After I set up it has to be a fast, 'internal' touch  and go. the only bad  rep I  had today was a 205 that I flexed my torso too much and too slowly and the bar went forwards. Fixed that

 The only real cue I stayed focused on was to STAY ON THE X 

If I lose that it's over

But it's
1) elbows up

2) Unrack and grip toes

3) Spot the X

4) Touch and go quick


205 warmup. too slow on the T and G

Jumped to 215 anyway and it was slightly  forward. too slow as well I think
Good enough I said fuck it and went to 225
Actually ok with this miss and it was a strength miss, not bad technique. Just need more tight speed then decided to go to 220 and it was decent
then back to 215! never done this before and it went
then went to 205 for 6 singles and they were good. only  bad one was the 4th. too much torso flex. I was going to only do four but I couldn't leave on a bad one and did five total

then weighted pushups 3 x 10 with 53

Laterals rear delts 3 x 10 15s

BW 175.4
BF 13.9

Sunday Ruck, 11 laps


This was a bit strange. I changed the loaded from two sand pills to just one and some plate weights as the new sandpill didn't fit well. Well by the first lap I knew I had to adjust it better so I had to off load the ruck re arrange and start again.

That didn't work either so I had to do it again. No worries, but it cost me some time

Third time was the charm and got the plates distributed right. Amazing the difference it makes. First time the weights were too low and it really  really overload my hips and hamstrings! Moving the weight up made it feel almost weightless

On my feet for two hours and the 11 laps took just 1:42

Last laps was 7:53, and felt strong

46 lb ruck

11 laps

12,360 steps


BW 175.4
BF 14.3

Saturday, November 26, 2022

40 kg One Arm Swings 20 x 5/5, 40 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 Really strong today. Lots of distractions during the workout but surprisingly everything felt really good and bell height was solid as well. Legs, lungs and back all were good too

40 kg One arms
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 5/5 x 20 sets

40 kg belt squat
3 x 12

these were good but my depth is not as easy as it used to be. No surprise, not spending near the time I was a few years ago on mobility and don't want to try to force the depth at all in fear of tweaking something

still felt solid,square and strong

3 x 30

BW 175.4
BF 13.2 ( bath)
W 58.1

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

185 x 5 x 1, 190 x 5 x 1, 24 kg swings, band pushdowns

 Funky ass day all day but the workout turned out all right Better than all right, actually and got some serious technique work in

After I realized I still have to SPOT THE X  as I drive the last five sets were even better.

1) bar right under clavicle

2) elbows up

3) unrack grip toes

4) spot the X

5) touch and go the bar

6) keep eyes on the x

or , shortened

Touch and Go

also, don't linger too long before touch and go. get  tight on the setup and GO

185 x 1 x 5 sets

190 x 1 x 5 sets

24 kg swings  5 x 8/8

Red band pushdowns ( shoulders did NOT want pushups)

2 x 20
1 x 5

BW 175.4
BF 14.5

Monday, November 21, 2022

Touch and go new/old press technique change. 205,210,212,212, 215

 Decided to go back to the oldest technique I've used, the squeeze the sponge" and drive technique I used to use with the kettlebell

This was the technique I used when I did 215 for 7 singles although it was with a false grip

I have to have speed off my chest and I have to have a 'trigger' to pull to get the press started. or I'm dead in the water

Same as with  my deadlift. I could not just set up, get tight and explode. I had to 'make a move', elicit SOME kind of stretch reflex

And so it is here

It worked pretty  well here today for the first day back at it, although with a full thumb grip which I think makes it easier not to push  the bar forward at lockout

A mistake on the earlier sets was flexing the bar down and HOLDING too long, almost losing the advantage the stretch reflex gave me. In the later sets when I started doing essentially a 'touch  and go' it worked much  better

Just have to get it started

And "internal" stretch reflex

195 x 1 perfect

205 ugly, lost the X
210 x MISS way out in front, then this, Better but still not quick enough touch and go

Then a touch 212.5 but decent

repeat it again

then 215 ugly was well but in the right line. still holding the down part too long
then 205 for 4 singles

these were the best T&G's!

1) elbows up

2) grip bar and toes

3) Spot the X

4) Touch and go launch the bar


wt pushups

3 x 10 with 53

laterals rear delts  3 x 8/8 15s

Mondays for better or worse are the best day for Heavy day. Immediately felt better. Hot bath and an hour mental prep time

BW 175.8
BF 14.3

Sunday Ruck 11 laps

Woke up feeling good. Good nights sleep again and no parts were sore, much less extra sore so that was a good start

Nice and crispy cold out too (36 deg) so off to a good start

46 lb ruck

11 laps

1:45 min

last lap= 7:45 ! ( 15:30 mile pace)

BW 175.8
BF 14.7

Saturday, November 19, 2022

60 and 68 kg One arm swings, 60 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 This was a tough one today. It was super cold and I was super stiff and moderately sore from all this shit this last week ( had to put our cat down wed) Just not quite there physically or mentally so I took it easy and didnt push height too hard.And only did two sets with the 68 and I was just not feeling it.

It all felt heavy

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4 
24 kg x 4/3
28 kg x 4/3
32 kg x 4/3
36 kg x 4/3
40 kg x 4/3
44 kg x 4/3
48 kg x 4/4 ( no skipping bells today)
60 kg x 5/5 x 7

the first three sets were pretty hard. Low and stiff. fourth set warmed a bit and this is five

68 kg x 5/5 x 2
Definitely not my prettiest sets with this weight but height wasn't as bad as it felt

60 kg belt squat 3 x 10 ( did 8s last cycle)

Next cycle will do some 68 kg sets too, these felt great

Pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.0
BF 13.0
W 58.0

Monday, November 14, 2022

185 x 1 x 8 sets, 195 x 1, 200 x 1 Low bar press techniques, wt pushups, laterals

 Went back to my low bar ( on mid chest) press today and it went great. Back to the false grip as well

The focus was on setting up in front of the bar and trying actually get into my starting press position before I unrack the bar

This felt great and I did not  have the sternum soreness I had the last time I used this technique. But of course, first day :)

185 x 1 x 8 sets  ( sets 1,3,5,7 shown)

the 195 x 1 ( hips were not as far forward as needed)
then 200 x 1 decent but a little slow
as far as going back to max day today I was pretty beat up from the weekend and actually was looking forward to light work. How I'll manage to get going on wednesday is another story but light on mondays makes sense

wt pushups  3 x 6 53 lbs

laterals rear delts 3 x 8/8 15

BW 177.0!! WTF ? lol!
BF 14.9

after bath at 12

BW 177.2
BF 11.2
W 59.5

Sunday Ruck 10 laps

 Felt super good getting started. Surprising considering how hard the 48 kg work was but the good feeling lasted the entire ruck. But it was a great time to cycle down to ten laps as I definitely felt the overall fatigue at the finish

Not too many "dog petting" breaks but enough  to slow me down to 3 mph. It is fine. Pretty happy actually that my  slow pace is that fast with 45 lbs on my back and two hours at length

45 lb ruck

10 laps

1:40 min

1:55 door to door

BW 176.6
BF 14.2

Saturday, November 12, 2022

48 kg One arm swings 12 x 5/5, 48 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 This went really well. Bell height the best ever! Have to keep my toes gripping and really hold the standing plank lockout and let the bell float

If I get back on heels too much the bell does not go as high

We were going really fast to but breath and lungs held

One Arm Swings

48 kg x 12 x 5/5

48 kg belt squats. these are coming along too
Pullaparts 3 x 30 these always are hard

BW 175.8
BF 13.3
W 57.8

Friday, November 11, 2022

Thursday 3 mile ruck

 Time to get back to doing the full three miles

this  went well. slow but strong, which is fine

About 20 min miles

45 lb ruck

6 laps

60 min door to door

3   miles

BW 176.6
BF 14.3

time to eat a bit less and get down to 175

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

215 x 1 220 miss x 2, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 Not great day. Slept poorly, stayed up too late for elections and worried about facebook layoffs. I knew it would impact me today and it did. No big deal but the bigger issues was not unracking the bar well. Also was pretty stiff and couldn't get into the incline position even though I was trying

Much better to not be able to do the correct technique than not know which one to do.

Have to unrack bar with hips in front of it.I started to but ended up using torso too much pushing me too vertical. then couldn't get layed back enough. ack

Take it off with the hips

195 x 1
205 x 1 decent
215 x 1 wobbly but ok
220 x miss x 3 !
205 x 1 x 4  these were ok but still making same basic mistake

unracking light weights is NOT the same as  200 + !

24 kg swings 4 x 8/8

floor pushups 

2 x 55

BW 176.4
BF 14.3

Monday, November 07, 2022

185 x 10 x 1 Technique work, wt pushups, side and rear laterals

 Couldnt have gone better. I completely focused on coming up perfectly vertically when I unracked the bar and that made all the difference. Now I just have to do the same on Wed with 220/225. Strength wise it should not be a problem

If I can control my head 

As always

Took my time getting under the bar and really let the elbows settle at their highest position before unracking with hips in front of the bar.
THEN gripping with toes and flexing glutes at the same time

If I try to do this Kono press without tight glutes it does not work. hips don't move forward and shoulders FALL back. So, there it is

Then fall back AS I drive hips forward and press STRAIGHT UP.

If I've fallen back enough to be in the incline bench position I can press straight up and the bar will not go forward. Too vertical and it will. 

Just that simple ( I won't say it)

Sets 2,3,7 and 10

Wt pushups
bw x 5
53 x 3 x 5

side raises rear delts 3 x 8/8 with 20's  felt heavy haven't done these in a bit
BW 175.4
BF 13.9

Sunday 6 mile Ruck

 This went well, albeit slow. Very cool and crisp, perfect rucking weather. All systems go with the body. The time change through me off just a bit but no major issues.

45 lb ruck

12 laps

2:05 min for all 12 laps

2:17 door to door

legs and lungs felt fine energy a bit low for the second half but made all the laps

BW 175.4

BF 14.3

Saturday, November 05, 2022

44 kg one arm swings 16 x 5/5, 44 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 This was tougher than expected as I was still a bit more tired than usual going in after the max effort two days ago. But I warmed up well, and the bell height was actually better than last month! Didn't expect that, but I really focused on staying locked in to the standing plank AND keeping tension in the front delt at the top of the swing.

That's also a good assistance for my press work.

Suprisingly glutes and hams felt extra worked today, didn't expect that from the press( oh but there's the ruck, too) 
One arm swing 16 sets of 5/5

Belt squats
3  x8,9,10 these felt the best of late. groove developing well

pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.
BF 13.8 ( bath!) 

Friday, November 04, 2022

2.5 mile ruck

 Now that was crispy cool! almost had to wear long sleeves or pants but knew I would warm up fast and I did.

decent pace and  feel. legs lungs and back all good

45 lb ruck

5 laps

2.5 miles

17 min mile average

BW 175.6
NF 14.7

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

215,220, 210x 3 x 1, 20 kg swings,floor pushups

 This went great. Not perfect but great. Starting an hour later, no prep, no bath was worrisome but no real issues. I bundled up all morning to keep my bodytemp up and took more reps than usual with light weights to warm up

As usual every technique has slightly different timing, feel, dynamics as it goes over 200 lbs and this was no exception

The Kono technique was good up to 205( even that was a little out in front. I'm not used to driving my hips that hard so early and when I don't I  either fall back or the bar goes out in front

135, 155, 175

195 x 1

then 205 a wee bin in front
then I missed 215 as I dropped my shoulders back but didn't drive my hips enough. Lost balance

then came back and made but had compensation issues so it was wobbly but got done with decent lockout

then down to 205 then 210 for 3 sets of 1

then 20 kg swings x 5 x 8/8

floor pushups
2  x 54

BW 175.4
BF 14.7

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...