Wednesday, January 23, 2019

20 kg speed swings 35 sets of 8,press practice 105-150 x 3s, 20 lb walking lunges, laterals

this went well. It seems I might be actually totally done with this stupid cough and that's about time. And I'm liking this I go, you go approach to 15:15 and probably will keep it even after I'm fully healthy. Go slower when i need to and faster when I'm ready. Negative split racer and all that.
hasn't proven to be that great a cardio transfer anyway. 
I'll keep track of sets , reps and tons and go with that.
Never liked those damn timers ever

20 kg speed swings
35 sets of 8
280 reps
12,300 lbs
6.16 tons
RPE 6.5
total time about 18 min-19 min. I'll keep track of this in the future

no bath before and strangely hamstrings felt might tighter at start.

Standing press
45 x 5 all false grip
65 x 3
85 x 3
115 x 3 x 3
125 x 3 x 2
135 x 3 x 2
145 x 3 x 1
150 x 3 x  2 ( last set thumb over instead of false)

very strange the false grip felt perfect until the first set of 150 where it stalled a bit at lockout! Just what  was hoping it would fix. Took the next set with a wrapped thumb and there was no denying it was a much better groove.
So, thumb it is.

20 lb sandbag lunges
3 laps of 20

2 sets of 8/8 wth 20s

BW 170
BF 12.9



175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...