Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hungarian Snatch

The Hardstyle snatch personified. Peter Lakatos take it to another level of power and force production. He calls it the Hungarian Snatch

Hi Rif,

In Peter's own words:

"A few weeks ago I started to play with a snatch variation - we call it the "HUN SNATCH". Working with fighters and doing Vo2max training is a great tool, however I see chasing reps and sets might make form sloppy and long endurance work might slow you down. I already got back a bunch of feedbacks from fighters reporting lighting fast kicks and punches after practicing this way. So, here is my solution:

1. Men, try with a 16 or 20. Are you a mutant? Try with the 24.

2. Aim to 10 or so snatches per arm. Dont aim to high, tough.

3. What makes the hun snatch special is the timing, speed and explosiveness, also looking for as perfect reps as possible.

4. The goal is to activate fast muscle fibers, creating explosive movement and mainly making a plyometric exercise without jumping once.

5. Hun snatch is tough on the shoulder and the grip, be wise. Use it carefully.

How to make the hun snatch?
- snatch the bell up
- get a zip of air
- press the bell down with one explosive movement, and exhale sharply before bells hits the bottom point
- aim to the hip, move the hip out from the way, as fast as you can, as late as you can
- snatch the bell to the upper position as fast as you can, while exhale again sharply out, before the bell arrives, tense the glutes, pull up the kneecaps, give good support to the body
- inhale sharply, and pause for 1 second
- repeat

- keep the shoulder joint in the socket at all time
- when forms brakes down, switch or put the bell down, dont engrave bad reps to your CNS
- dont chase reps or sets, enjoy the explosiveness you gain


Roland Denzel said...

...and Batmas's secret identity is revealed!

Tracy Reifkind said...

I did a 10 minute version of this training today with the 16kg....I can't wait until the next workout....

Boris T said...

Never been a fan of HS snatch but might give this a try on a variety day.

Brett_nyc said...

nice demo,

I've found that a few heavy(32kg) reps on each side (maybe 5 or so) is a great primer for a day of oly focused training or heavier CF wods. For me it wakes up the hips and gets that explosive timing warmed up before CJ's and Oly snatches.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...