Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Woo Hoo, the new clubbells are here.

The Michael's Castro and Mahler and Mr Bosu himself David Weck playing with some heavy clubbells at our kettlebell get together at Muscle Beach just a short three years ago.At the time I could not hang from a chin bar without dislocating my shoulder and could do nothing with the lightest clubbell. Things have defintely changed for the better.

Realized that I need a slightly heavier bell for the two handed work that is in the program and it arrived today. And the 15 lb'er, much like its brothers the tens is MUCH heavier than it should be for that little weight! Doing single arm work with this too will be a interesting challenge.
I also got two five pounders, as per Mrs Rifs request and I know I will be able to put those to good use as well as I try to learn the more intricate cast maneuevers.Even those seem heavy,lol.

Survived all those jerks yesterday with zero problems although I did get seriously sore pretty quickly and thought I might be in trouble. A bunch of Z drills and some floor and foam roller work and no problemo with AM.

Twenty minutes morning Z warmup this am before work and bits and pieces throughout the day.Shoulder feels very loose and I think the clubbells helped that as well.Can't wait to take this baby out for a test run tomorrow!


Joe Sarti said...

Excellent, no ill effects from yesterday big workout. Looking forward to Jerks tomorrow and more clubbells.

Mark Reifkind said...

no it was fine but I sure got muscle sore at first.totally different than all the swings and snatches.I just freaking HATE high reps,lol.
snatches and more jerks tomorrow.

Mark Reifkind said...

and some clubs of course.

Geoff Neupert said...

Glad to see the Z is really working for you. What do you like the best about it so far? BTW, missed you last weekend at the RKC--definitely not the same without you.

Adam said...


very cool stuff to see you integrating the KB's and CB's

The only CB work i am doing right now is FLag presses to torch presses and the "rock it drill" which i really like.

Mark Reifkind said...


mainly I like how well it is opening up my shoulders and ankles, and the effect that is having on my total body tension levels.
It's hard to beleive how doing hip and ankle circles on the contralateral side can open up the shoulder and wrist but it does!and it does work fast. as a wrote I am doing a lot of 'experiments' and using z first instead of my usual treatment modalities and it is working very well and very fast.
I also like the meditative aspects of going through the motions so slowly with concious effort and breath synchronization. way cool.many more things as well all good.
sorry I missed the cert as well would have loved to be there and see you guys.

Mark Reifkind said...


I am still in practice mode so I am trying to learn as many of the drills as I can. just got my new 15 so that should be 'fun'.have fun squatting!

BJ Bliffert said...

I'll be curious to hear your feedback on the two handed CB drills. I have been thinking about getting a heavier CB.


Brett Jones said...

Looks good Rif - great seeing tracy at the RKC but missed having you there.

Geoff Neupert said...

Rif--Z is like that, isn't it? It seems completely unbelievable until you actually work it yourself. Glad you're experiencing the benefits. How do the regular modalities feel after the Z instead of before?

Mark Reifkind said...

I still get on the floor and do my rifga stretches regularly but I dont' have to work them that hard. Its more of an active rest than a corrective exercise now. same with the roller. I still do IT band, hips and rectus femoris on it but again I dont have to work it nearly as hard.
thumper is still used strongly but as much as a circulatory restorative and toxin removal as anything. Active recovery for DOMS. When I get pain or restriction now I do the Z first and see if that works( whicho 9 /10 times it has been! LOL) and then go to floor, roller if it needs more.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...