Monday, October 15, 2007

500 swings.

Started the next phase of the max vo2 cycle, the same 15/15 ratio but with one arm swings instead of snatches. While this was easier in some ways it was also harder with the light bell and controlling it so I could get the 10 reps per 15 sec I wanted. this will definitely get the hips and legs more than the snatch cycle.

One arm swings, 16 kg
10 reps per 15 sec
50 sets
500 reps
18,000 lbs!!
wow didnt think it would be that high.
HR at end of 50 sets 192 bpm.
25 minutes

wow this was tougher than I thought it would be;especially trying to really keep the acceleration up from first to last set.really had to pull the bell down to get it to fall fast enough to make the rep count. I will do this for 2-3 weeks then switch to the 20 kg and go for 8-9 reps per 15 sec. This phase will increase strength and power.

one arm clubbell swing 3x12 each arm
two clubbell swings 5x15 ( much better overhead position than last time)
one clubbell pendulum 3x10 each
two clubbell pendulums 5 x12
pendulums to flags 4 x 5 these are hard!
torch press one bell 3x5 each
torch press two bells.3x5
one bell leverage torch press 3x5 each
two bells leverage torch press 3x5
pendulum swings 3x12

wow. still such a feeling out process but after seeing the dvds many many times and re reading the book I have a much better idea of the exact positions and muscles I am trying to get into and recruit.

datsit, staying loose!


Royce said...

Nice damn work dude! Swings are the great equalizer IMHO no where to run no where to hide.

Franz Snideman said...

500 reps! Good Lord, now you're really making feel out of shape!

Darn, I don't like high reps! Guess I gotta start adding some in just to keep up with your Rif :)

Mark Reifkind said...

franz, I dont like hi reps either! that why I break them into low rep I just do a lot of them. what I really don't like is short rest periods but it really gets me in shape.
If you can't go heavy you better go hard.
the swings were actually not too bad.
what is missed alot in this discussion about hs vs gs is that if one breaks the sets into smaller segments the overall force output of each rep is much higher than one long set.add all those higher force reps together and the total force produced is way high.

Mark Reifkind said...

exactly royce.kenneth said there were not as good for max vo2 work because THERE WAS TOO MUCH TENSION compared with snatches. more tension = more muscle/strength.add in those damn short rest periods and its a decent little workout.

Iron Tamer said...

So is this a swing experiment?

Mark Reifkind said...

kind of david. I wnated a break from the vo2 snatches but still like the 15/15 protocol. I thought this might build some speed AND strength into the energy system that nthe snatch vo2 uses.
4-6 weeks of this then back. still snatching on wednesdays though.

Franz Snideman said...

Good point Rif! And you know me, I'm a HS high force's the 100 meter sprinter in me :)

Geoff Neupert said...

Nice work, Rif, but at this point, aren't you slackin? Isn't 500 swings a warm up for you? ;-]

Mark Reifkind said...

yeah geoff lol, I dont think so. i havent gone that far down that road.

Jim Ryan said...

Damn, Rif! 10 reps/cycle?!

I'm about to do 8 per w/my 24. I could see 9 reps with the 16, maybe the 24 later, but 10? Even with the 16 that's a blur.

You and your wife are real android stock, that's for sure! (grin)

Mark Reifkind said...

LOL jim,

I didnt think it would be quite that fast a pace when I decided to do it but it was blazing.just what I wanted though, a high speed, hi force 15 seconds.

145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...