Monday, March 06, 2023

225 close miss, 215, 210, 205 x 1 x 3, wt dips, laterals, rear delts

 A really decent day. I accomplished what I set out to do, pushup harder on the bar before I pressed, keep my elbows up and push the bar back to the X. Also not letting the right side dip from uneven pressure

But I didn't get or keep my knees locked enough on the 225 or 215 which is why the lockouts weren't there

BUT it's a great start and mentally I was solid. The most solid ever. I took the 205-225 jump again with no fear or anxiety

"He who dares, wins" I told myself  again. And, right before I took the weight: DARE to Win

It helped a ton, great focal point.

I can see now I finally have to get stronger to go forward. No longer am I trying to figure out the technique. Now, I have to make it stronger. Stronger shoulders and arms, and stronger legs.

Clear as day

As excited about my future pressing now as I have been in eight years!

135 x 3 dead stop
155 x 3 dead stop
175 x 3 deadstop ( I REALLY think this new warmup helps a ton but I think I only need 2 at 175)

195 x 1

205 x 1 warmup very very strong and fast
225 x almost!
215 x 7/8 too same problem
210 good 
then three very good singles with 205

the weight bar pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3 held lockouts

laterals and rear delt 3 x 10 20's

BW 175.4
BF 14.3

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