Sunday, August 14, 2016

Speed Racer Ruck Lap PR

 What a difference  a week can make. Last week I barely got through and today was like I had wings.
The swing workload was half but I was just back at it today and it felt great. Being back on my routine makes a huge difference. Legs felt light but strong, loose but full of energy and the ruck felt essentially empty.

That's the feeling I'm training for. Waiting for "when Grace lays it down before me". And she did and I did.

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
10 30 sec iso squats
1:52 min ( fast overall too)
4th lap 7:54
8th lap 7:35!
12 th lap 7:04 !!!!! HUGE PR! really almost incomprehensible to me

I knew I was fast from the first lap and the timed lap validated it. the 8th lap was ok speed but nothing earthshattering so I was hoping to either tie or slightly break my 7:19 pr. I would have been happy with 7:15 but 7:04? Crazy craziness.
Lungs felt open from the get and everything just flowed,
The reason I do this shit :)

BW 163.6
BF 10.8
W 57.7 !!!

that's the highest water reading in the AM I have had in forever. And of course the bodyfat was lower because of it but I've been easing back to keto land and didn't expect this. NOR the energy and speed. Could be just a good day like last week was off

Either way I'll take it

115 presses tomorrow


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