Wednesday, June 10, 2015

24 kg Swing Vo2 16 min,Walking lunges, Horiz Pushups, kb rows

Back on track, I can feel it. Well I can feel energy instead of fatigue, strength instead of weakness and recovery instead of soreness.
Nice, it seemed to take long enough.
Taking the adaptogens  daily again has helped a lot as well as a few high calorie/ carb days.( weight has stayed the same)

Wasn't sure how this would go although I got a full hour stretchout and felt good all morning. Never really know until I put hands on bell.
Today it felt light and fast. Exactly what I was hoping for

Swing Vo2
24 kg
16 min
320 reps
16,960 lbs

speed and float were good. Actually started double breathing early today, around 9 min. It was muggy and humid but not so hot so I didn't turn the fan on. I go back and forth between trying to NOT double breathe and doing it all the time

According to KJ the more air you take in while doing this type of work the better and hardstyle breathing really restricts air intake although it boosts stabilization and power output.I still worry about how my back will take it each time but so far so good.

I really feel the Oly shoes make a big difference in how swings load my body; with much more on the thighs and quads and much less on the hammies. This makes it much less on the back for me too and this feel good, so it should spare my back more but I still worry abit.
So I try to delay the double breathing but it really does help. way more O2 available.

Mentally I was solid; just click off the set, chalk a bit , wait 2-3 second til the clock turns 12 then just grab the bell and go. The less I actually think or "experience" what happened on the last set or how I feel about it the better. And the stronger.
Just suffer til the clock says stop and don't try to get away from it and don't worry the reps aren't good enough. Just do your best each set and wait til you get to stop

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 reps in the rain! awesome
Back to no stops on the second leg of the set and that's a good sign I'm recovering
Plus each lunge knee touched the deck

Horiz Pushups

these were stronger too. All good

KB rows
24 kg x 8/8  x 3 sets

back here as well

Ok We train Friday to make up for Saturdays miss for the workshop
36 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets . and easy day but I want to touch the bell

Tomorrow gotta ruck though


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...