Monday, July 28, 2008

Swings and swipes.

Pretty tired, actually, after four days of consecutive training and working my full shift today but it was only the 24 kg and that was a relief.
Had delusions of grandeur at first, thinking I might go for 30-40 rep combination sets but reality smacked me upside the head quick and I settled for a nice uphill ladder. A pale facsimile of my 200 reps in ten minute high pull ladder but from the same source.

One arm swings
16 kg x10/10x2

24 kgx 10/10
14 /14
then 10/10 x 5 sets
308 reps
16,324 lbs

things grooved well today and the swings were crisp and above chin height,even at the higher reps but I knew I didnt want to go into any more endurance territory than this.Man, my 600 rep pr seems like eons ago. But that was when the swing was my main movement and not the assitance exercise it is now. Still 600 reps is a lot.For me anyway.

2,15 lb Clubbells x15 swipes x 6 sets
90 reps

havent done these in ages and the went very well.The 15's are now light enough to start with and play with with all my cb moves. cool. good progress,even as I have not been using them regularly of late.

Snatch holds
16 kg x one minute x 4 times each arm

ouch. still hate these but gotta do 'em.Just have to pretend I'm in Bikrams,lol



Franklin said...

I last week I did 30 sets of 15 two-handed swings on the minute with the 24kg and needed two full days of doing nothing to recover .. match your 600 PR? No freak'n way!

I know its late, but I finally got around to making the video of the progressive single pulls you requested .. check my blog or your email if you get a chance .. tanks!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franklin, I got the video and will check it out. this is tight week as I have a short week with the la cert but I will get to it. swings be tough!

Aaron Friday said...

For an assistance exercise, you sure do a lot of them, LOL! Do you ever include snatches and swings in the same session?

Mark Reifkind said...

lol, aaron,I guess thats true but I'm always looking at my old prs on the chalkboard.Sometimes I do transfers after snatches if I feel I havent done enough snatches.

Aaron Friday said...

The reason I asked is because I'm guessing you'll need to taper down with snatches in some way to adapt to a 5-minute or 10-minute test.

Maybe you do 100 snatch reps in a row with the 20kg, switching every 10, and then you're smoked on snatches for the day. Since 100 is nowhere near enough for a Rif workout, you then rest 5 minutes and do a 24kg swing workout afterward. It saves your hands but keeps the volume up.

Franz Snideman said...

I can relate...we all get tired...especially us Trainers/Therapists!

See you in LA and St. Paul!

Mark Reifkind said...


I think for me its more about building up the mental motivation to suffer that much in such a short amount of time,lol.
a week off from mvo2 and my 'heavy' snatch day should do it from a volume standpoint. taper doesnt need to be too deep. thatnks for the advice.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz,

see you guys soon.

Aaron Friday said...

I hear ya. Best of luck Mark.

Anonymous said...


32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...