Wednesday, July 23, 2008

20 kg Snatch V02

Pr time again.Not enough sleep and not enough food yesterday but hey, what are you going to do? Saddle up and man up and git er dun.It's nice what consistent training will bring to the table when your back is up against the wall and you need some reserve strength. In fact, that is the benefit of training more than anything, building up one's reserves and making everything else just that much easier.
I had thought about 30 sets but then Mrs Rif showed up at the right time and I squeezed out another 5 sets to get to the bottom of the wave cycle barrel of 35 sets. My best previously with this has been 50 sets of 6 and that was pretty easy.7 rep sets took up the entire 15 seconds and when the sweat got in the way wiping off the bell ate into my precious recovery time even more. amazing what one extra rep will take out of you.

Snatch Vo2
20 kg
35 sets of 7 PR
245 reps
10,780 lbs

Used Hardstyle, over the top techniques on both sides as I had the need for speed. Did a few sets corkscrew style as I fatigued but 99% was over the top.Heartrate was up the entire time and finished with 195+ at the end of the 35 sets. Ouch.

Rack Walks
2000 feet( ties pr) with switches every 200 feet. Nice.havent done this in a long time.

Shield casts
15 lb clubbell x 15/15 x 4 sets.

solid workday. got to train early today which is heaven for me. I would love to train first thing in the morning but hey, gotta work first, play later.

datsit. time to eat.


Aaron Friday said...

Nicely done! What's your goal with the 20?

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, the goal is 50 sets of 7, then 50 sets of 8.

Christine said...

I'm dying to get back in with VO2, I love it. Great way to train. You have a nice progression going Rif... You are inspiring me to get a move on! haha

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks christine,
I just love training like this and it's great to see improvement all the time.same thing goes for my clients, they are all making improvments in work capacity, lung capacity, will power and focus, determination and snatch form,lol.those that have the guts to train it.

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

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