Monday, July 14, 2008

400 the easy way.

My head just wasnt in the mood for the monotone pounding of straight sets and reps of one arm swings so I decided to do some swing transfer sets instead. breaking up the straight sets and reps with some uphill ladders was just the ticket. Now this isnt the 100 reps in 30 minutes Tracy punched out this morning AFTER 50 sets of 8 in the max vo2 with the SIXTEEN KILO

Swing transfer combination with 24 kg
1 swing, 1 transfer
2 swings 1 transfer
3 swings 1 transfer = one round 15 reps

each set= 2 rounds
5 sets= 150 reps

H2H transfers with 24 kg
30 rep sets x 5 sets
150 reps

One arm swings with 24 kg
10/10x 5 sets
100 reps

total reps= 400
Total weight= 21,200 lbs

One arm CB swipes
10 lb CB x 100 reps switching every ten.

this was cake. havent done swipes in awhile. I've missed them. this is a cool movement. Have to watch the elbows though.

Gripper( left hand only)
Trainer x 5 x 2
#1 x 5 x 2 sets( getting about 3/4 closed)

left hand only because last workout my right hand, which is not feeling weak, really locked down from the grip work, which of course affected my shoulder. No biggie, I know how to release it, but it just reminded me that I don't need to work my strong sides much at all.

snatch holds
16 kg x one minute x 3 sets

these arent that much easier with 16 kg. One minute overhead with weight is hard any way I do it.

datsit.Bikram tomorrow.


Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...


How does this equal 15 reps?

1 swing, 1 transfer
2 swings 1 transfer
3 swings 1 transfer = one round 15 reps

I'm not getting that. I reached 12 total.

Mark Reifkind said...

lol, bob thats what I hate about these transfer sets I can't count
I actually think it's more
tracy did the counting afterwards and counted each at 18 reps x 2 = 36 reps per bout.I count each transfer as a swing.

Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...

LOL Ok. I even had one of my clients who teaches math look at it at we were confused.

I'll admit I flunked out of math in school. I can count my reps and set, but give me algebra and it's over. :P

Mark Reifkind said...


I dont know how tracy keeps track. I prefer straigth sets/reps as much for the ease of counting as anything,lol.

Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...

I got the 80# DB on TGU today. That's my PR. I'm working toward the 100. My KBs only go up to the 32kg so I need to get some more money to get the heavier bells, but DBs work for now. :)

Today was a great day!

Mark Reifkind said...

good going man, I can't even come close to that.

Anonymous said...


145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...