Sunday, July 13, 2008

More yoga.

Another 90 minutes in the sauna with my too cute yoga partner at 8 am this morning. This is getting better every time I do a class and I like that. It's nice to make progress each workout.Held standing bow for the entire count this time on the second set( yes it is a shorter set but usually I am more tired on the second round). It actually helped that the class was so crowded that I couldnt see myself in the mirror and had to rely on proprioception to do the poses.Both approaches are good at different times.
Sometimes I really need the feedback from the mirror to align my bent frame. Others I just want to go by feel and find the balance point.
One thing I have realized though about Bikrams is how many poses allow me the opportunity to really focus on my weak links. Like, there are SO many poses that require me to stand, for a long time, on one leg.My left side is getting stronger by the minute from this as well as the ability to stand on it while similtaneously locking it out and strengthening the very weak quad and loosening the very tight hamstring.
I also made it through the opening series of side and back bends without lowering my arms. This, if you havent tried it, is WAY tougher than it seems. It also has really made me work to get my elbows LOCKED out when they are being held in front of me as well as overhead.
I have another class scheduled tomorrow AM at 5:30 as I have two open slots and Tracy is up for even more practice. Now THIS should be interesting, as well as my heavy swing workout that afternoon.
I can't remember when I was capable of this type of workloads Too bad RKC hardstyle kettlebell training doesnt improve that. :))
PS Edit:
It just struck me that I am now enduro guy again.Strength guy is pretty much gone and enduro and flexibility guy is back. Kind of a combination of my running and gymnastics incarnations.I remember when I was a runner than I would think nothing of running the five miles to a friends house to visit.They always asked me how I was going to get back and I would say the obvious: 'run'.It was just an opportunity to widen the base with more miles. This was important if your goal was ultra marathons. Volume counts.
When I was a bodybuilder and powerlifter recovery was everything.Intensity is key, not volume, and everything had to revolve around as much training intensity as one needed and a concommitant amount of recovery to be able to gain from the intensity.
No more.Now it seems I can do kbs for volume, do my yoga, do 'life' stuff as necessary, work my shift and be ok the next day.
What a HUGE difference from the me just a few years ago when I was really wrecked and could barely get through work each day. Amazing.
"A back of iron, and legs that never quit". Still my goal.


Yana said...


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I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

A Headless Place said...

"It just struck me that I am now enduro guy again.Strength guy is pretty much gone and enduro and flexibility guy is back. Kind of a combination of my running and gymnastics incarnations"

You know what...I would strike that and say that it is the beginning of something entirely new. Strength (maybe not the powerlifting guy anymore, but still plenty strong)endurance, flexibility and work capacity. It's pretty cool that you right now you are more than the sum of all these "parts" and yet the parts add up to make a new, healthier, fitter Rif.
Just a thought.


Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

Rif, do you think yoga is one of the best ways for a kettlebeller to "loosen up"?

Mark Reifkind said...


it depepends. I know I would not have been able to do this and survive even just a few short months ago. I need LOTS of rollering and static stretches done specifically for my imbalances as well the z stuff too. I have so many clients that have gotten hurt jumping into yoga too quickly.
It is very demanding and requires quite a bit of body awareness and mucho control.
Now yoga POSES are a different thing and thats how I looked at my Rifga stretches. But they were hand tailored to my needs and most yoga is not going to adapt to that.

Mark Reifkind said...

you know after I wrote that I though pretty much the same thing.I did so much strength stuff for so long I think it will always be in there.

Now my body a blend of the strength of gymnastics: faster, more powerfull( speed), but springier, looser and way more elastic as well.The strength combo is much like that necessary for long rides on the bike with big hills. you have to be strong but you also have to be able to go long too.
just way cool all the way around and I'm so glad to be able to do this much training.It really is satisfying. I hated being so limited for so long
as frankie faires says about powerlifting
: " it's the mastery of three moves at the expense of three thousand".

lol, I think frankie got it right.whole different kind of strength now.

Mark Reifkind said...

not sure what you mean. I will email you.

Mark Reifkind said...

ps sean

all that corrective individualized stuff aside, if the kettlebeller is balanced enough, then yes, it would be a good way to loosen up.there is TONS of external rotation work in bikram, just tons.

Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...

I think Bikram is a incredible way of actually balancing the body if it is unbalanced. I went into it needing some balance and something else entirely to change my range of motion and flexibility. It has done all that. I only wish I had 2 things that would help me better at Bikram- more time and more money. If I had both then I'd go more than simply once a week. I am truly addicted to Bikram.

Tomorrow I'm bringing a newly hired trainer with me and he's a "bodybuilder". He knows what's in store as I fully prepped him, but this should definitely be very interesting. :)

Anonymous said...


32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...