Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Sometimes come when you least expect it. I had Snatch Vo2 on the menu today and it had to be sets of 8, hand tears and all because last week was an easy week of sevens and MRKC Jones, SRKC Whitley and Peter Lakotos are chomping at Mark O Madsens bit of 80 sets of 8 with the 24 kg. I have a lot of catching up to do.Not to mention Mrs Rifs assault on the 12 kg SSST record( coming soon)
So I showed up, taped up and saddled up and went to work. I was planning a very modest 35 sets of eight when my bride showed up at set 30. All of a sudden my bell speed goes up by a second per 15 sec block and I have surge of energy. 35 sets is out, 40 sets is on. After all, she did a strong 60 sets of 8 for her SECOND max vo2 workout of the week.
It was a balmy 100+ degrees in the garage today and I gave in a bit to my inner wimp and put a fan on.Like putting a fan in front of an oven but it was better than calm air. At least I think it was.

Snatch Vo2
40 sets of 8 reps per 15
11,500 lbs

No warmup, just go.I was a bit late on some of the sets but that just meant I got less recovery time. Rifs Rule # 3 : Nothing's ever easy ever. Even more true in timed snatch work.And, as Tracy showed up my energy went way up so that was great.

Rack Walk 16 kg
1600 feet switching every 200
Just working on my tan,lol. damn these are ALWAYS hard after snatches.

#1/ 3 sets of 3 singles alternating each side after the single reps with dead stop pause. man this brings back memories. wasnt too bad but not too easy either. AND I have an ANCIENT # 1, ask brett. Not counting the rust and chalk dust.this will be good. I remember when I could just about close the two solid.It will happen again.

two handed arm cast
15 lb cb x 10/10
25 lb CB x8/8 x 4 sets

these rock and really work the hell out of my tris lats and intercostals as well as all of the shoulders. perfect finish work for me.



Maura said...

Hi Mark -

Just talked to Greg Jones. He said to pass on the message that he is going to call you soon and hopes you and your family are doing well.

Fawn and I will see him at Raw Nats!


Mark Reifkind said...


thanks so much,greg is a great guy and its so cool he is still competing at such a high level.good luck at your meet and congrats again on your stellar performance at bench Worlds!

dr. m.c. said...


sweet sweet sweet. way to go.

i finally think i get what it means to use the phrase "respect" to close a salutation. this one fires it up, you know? wow.



dr. m.c. said...

ps - its the tracy inspiration and strong image i'm referencing there - good luck on your quest, tho! :)


Jordan Vezina said...

That picture is bad ass. Good work on the VO2. I feel that I will now snatch faster, just having seen the picture of Tracy. It's up there with your recent image success.

Mark Reifkind said...


I got it, thanks so much, I feel the same way.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, I know what you mean. You should try training with her,lol.

Anonymous said...


32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...