Saturday, July 12, 2008

SSST training

I'm ready to get back into longer snatch sets again on saturdays but I'm not quite ready for 40 reps sets, even with the 20 kg. So I decided to split the difference and do 30 rep sets. I would alternate start arms so each set one side would get more work.
This worked out great although I was a bit fatigued from such a late Bikrams class yesterday and not quite enough time to get more food in. No worries, I had a proper workload for the day, in context.

20 kg Snatch SSST style
20 kg x10/10/10 x 9 sets
270 reps
11,880 lbs

Used single breath HS breathing, my modified corkscrew left handed and HS over the top right.This seems to be the best combination for me now,especially for longer rep sets.

Clubbell Mills
Finally made my lazy but bring home the ten pounder so I could practice this move again. Havent done it in ages and have been missing it lately. It's so fluid and works shoulder mobility in all three planes as well as the trunk muscles.Need to pay some dues with the ten again before I even contemplate the fifteen.

10 lb CB mills
20/20 x 4 sets

One CB shield cast
10 lbs x 10/10
15 lbx 10/10x 3 sets



dr. m.c. said...

rif - wow man, you are indomitable.
i love the 20k stuff - i can almost imagine doing that.

tell me - aside -- how do you make your green tea? bags or leaves?


Mark Reifkind said...


thanks so much,its been a long haul getting back to almost resepctable training loads.
as far as green tea, trader joes bags, they're
and I'm sure the 20 kg will be yours soon.

dr. m.c. said...

thanks, sir

gotta get you some leaves, man. i know that TJ stuff. there's just no going back once you've had the good stuff.

heh, why not come to Edinburgh in sept, you and tracy, to do Z with Rannoch and i?


Mark Reifkind said...


thanks but we have an rkc in minnesota and a private workshop/seminar in Healdsburg ca in sept.
the leaves would be better but I have to make the tea on the fly at work.

Franklin said...

The 10/10/10 x 9 is very impressive even with a 16kg!

I'm guessing that you alternate 10r/10l/10r then 10l/10r/10l to balance the arms, yes?

I see that you've been able to handle an SSST and VO2 Max sessions all in the same week .. thats a very serious work load, sir!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks and yes I alternate start arms to keep things even. But hey, it was 20 kg not a 16. thats even better. I've done sets of 10/10/10/10 and will do it next time. just a bit tired yesterday from the extra hot yoga. I will adapt though.already am.

Franklin said...

Yes, I know .. my apologies. What I meant to say was "The 10/10/10 x 9 is very impressive even with a 16kg .. not to mention a 20kg!"

This is great stuff. Just as with the great progress I made with VO2 max, once again I will ride your coat tails as you move forward towards a 24kg SSST .. I intend on getting there also someday!

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...