Monday, April 21, 2008

Swing strength.

It's amazing how quickly gravity can take over. I haven't swung the 32 for a few weeks, and havent done it after work on a Monday in forever and boy it tried to kick my ass hard today. Felt great all day yesterday, so of course I hardly stretched or did any Z and today was just that much tighter and stiff than I wanted to be doing into this workout. Of course I didnt get a chance to do much Z with clients today so it was a slow start. Didnt eat enough yesterday as well and was just a bit light too.Enough complaining, this is what I did:

One Arm Swings

32 kgx10/10x15 sets
300 reps
75% of PR( felt like 85 %,lol)
21,600 lbs
33 minutes

Each set took about 35 seconds and Irested one minute or a bit more between sets. Using power breathing was WAY more intense on the HR and the work effort.Of course the damn thing felt heavy today and I actually start to lose grip a bit on the 12th set in my left hand! I tweaked the shoulder a bit spotting a client just an hour before the workout so I suspect that played a part. Will Z and stretch it out after this post.
It just confirms what I already know to be true: your weak parts get weaker FAST when they aren't trained consistently! I can snatch much more easily than I can swing. Snatches are much more upper body dominant- my strength.
Swings are much more lower body dominant, as well as higher tension on the lower body. Again, my weaknesses.The shift from the hip snap to the punch through on the snatch really spreads the load, making it a great total body exercise. But the swings really concentrate the effort and work the hips and legs for me like squats and deadlifts used to.I sit back much more on swings than I do on snatches as well.
No wonder they are so hard.I need to add in another session of swings now, I can see that.And I think I can handle it. It will also balance out the latest increase in snatch volume.Torch swings will help but I need a transfers day;probably on Saturday after snatches. That makes sense.
I also am going to back off on the overhead clubbell work as my left elbow is not liking it and I dont want to get hurt for what is essentially an assistance exercise to me. I need the elbow lock and shoulder pack work of the torch and rockit swings but will lay off mills, swipes and sheild cast work for a bit.I need more KB swings anyway :))

Shield cast
10lb club 3x10/10
15lb club 3x8/8

2 15 lb clubs x 5 x10

these are ok but they aren't 'it'.

datsit. time to eat.

bw 161.4
bf 8.8%
water 60.6%


Aaron Friday said...

Only 300 reps today? Man, I feel so bad for you. How do you make it up stairs and open doors and stuff?

Tommy Shook said...


Do you find that swings are tougher because the pace is faster than the snatches or is it solely a case of loading/ distribution? Also, what do you think of a high pull as an assistance exercise for someone in the opposite situation (strong hips/ legs but weaker upper body)?

Mark Reifkind said...

very funny aaron, very funny mr. 32 kg snatch man.

Mark Reifkind said...

they're mainly tougher for me because the load stays concentrated in my lower body longer; it's just more work for my legs and hips. the faster pace doesnt help much either though,when it's run through the legs.
I love the high pull but don't use it for precisely that reason, too much upper body. but for the opposite condition it would be perfect.

Aaron Friday said...

Presses should help a lot, too, if pressing feels good to you. Clean & press, push-press, or jerk.

Mark Reifkind said...


naw, can't press anymore. that groove is a rut.

Mark Reifkind said...

actually can't isnt right. shouldnt is right.

Aaron Friday said...

Rif, that wasn't for you. It was for Wildcard. Like I'm going to offer advice to you, LOL!

I will offer a comment, though. Those long sets will be just the ticket to hitting your snatch goals. Double-breathing might slow you down a bit for 100/5min, though. Single-breath anatomical breathing was perfect for me, and even that messed with my counting ability.

Tommy Shook said...


Yes, I press a lot as well as jerks (single and doubles) and long cycle. I don't find a problem myself, but was more interested in seeing what anyone thinks about specific targeting of the weak portions of the snatch (pull, hip drive, etc.) The lockout for all of the lifts is the same, which is why I agree that putting the weight overhead will help.

For me actually my swing is exactly like my snatch. I swing with a bent arm and actually it looks more like a "low pull" (chest level or so). I also try and use one size larger for swings than my money snatch sets (e.g swing 32, snatch 24) but the faster pace (~32-34 rpm's) of swings really hurts. At least with a snatch I can slow down a bit and rest overhead (if you could call it rest).

Rif, I know that some lifts are prohibitive for you due to your orthopaedic particulars, but have you considered partial jump squats or jump shrugs with a pair of bells? I don't know if you can or not but I believe that these might be of benefit?? Just a thought.

Mark Reifkind said...


why not man? I take good advice wherever I find it.I watch your training a lot and learn stuff all the time.

Mark Reifkind said...

I dont' think the double breathing will slow me down, in fact I think it will be what I need to get me the higher rep goals.its what dw uses to get those huge 5 and 10 min ssst numbers.
I always knew the higher rep sets were necessary ,but I never thought I would be able to survive training them until recently when my shoulder finally started to cooperate.

Mark Reifkind said...


would love to do those but the knee doesnt.I think they would be of great benefit,especially for jerk training,another thing I would love to do.

Aaron Friday said...

Well I'll be. I tried that breathing briefly and found it cumbersome and slow. Probably didn't have the knack. One breath in, one breath out I found to be very smooth and quick.

Aaron Friday said...

Of course, I don't pull the bell down like Dave Whitley. If I tried to do that, I'd probably be all over that technique to get more oxygen in.

Franz Snideman said...

32kg is no joke Rif! Nice job either way!!!

205 x 1 !!! Chin press

 Feels like it's been months but I guess only 3 weeks or so. Warmup went well and mental state was solid, for a change 135 x 1 155 x 1 1...