Thursday, November 30, 2017

Back to ruck

This was  hard , I'll admit.
I've repacked my bag and it stays at 50 lbs all the time time so it was a bit heavier than usual thursday and missing my two hour ruck didn't help

Neither did my heavy tight legs from yesterday but it was fine. What wasn't fine was the new insoles I put into my Salomons to help keep these in the mix a little longer. No go Joe. Looks like, just like new wine in old wineskins, new inserts don't go in old rucking boots

At least not for me but no worries I've gotten my money's worth

Have these coming tomorrow
I've decided to back to mainly the combat boot( Danner Tanicus) for  my rucking as the lower cut Salomons kept trapping grit dirt and pebbles between boot and sock. My magnums are working well but they are old too and will need to be replaced after this winter,

They aren't waterproof but that should be fine.
I've wanted to try Danner boots for awhile and these were such a deal I couldn't resist. Now lets see if they like my feet.   When I googled 'best boots for rucking' all the ones that came up were combat boots. It's what they're made for, it seems :)

50 lb Ruck
6 laps
60 min
( a bit slow)

BW 169,2 ( pre ruck = 168.2)
BF 12.3
W 56.6

ok stretch out tomorrow then the 40kg for 200 reps!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

24 kg speed swings 20 min,walking lunges, parallel bar pushups, rear delts

Decent one today. Not great but not bad. Definitely able to keep power output high much longer  than ever on 20 min. Never a second in doubt I can finish these days. Didn't look up til 10 min in, would have liked to get 15 but it was a mistake : )
Didn't mess with me at ll

24 kg speed swings
320 reps
16,960 lbs
RPE = 7

Little tightness in low left lat origin but no big deal ( only during sets, stopped right after and now)

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft

hard but took them slow and deep. a bit stiff from Monday's squats

Parallel pushups
3 sets of 30

LOTS of burn , no real problem but not easy

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20's

BW 168.8  ( too many carbs last night)
BF 12.5
W 56.5

ok ruck up tomorrow. re testing new insoles in salomons or switch out to my combat boots. Have a new pair of Danner Tanicus coming!


Monday, November 27, 2017

170 lb Military Press 2x1,3x2 PR,back squat, 145 2 x 5, floor pushups, crawls, side delt


This was a nice surprise. After  a very long travel and social weekend down in Santa Barbara I didn't have many expectations for this workout. I had thought about dropping down in weight and adding back some volume but thought instead I would try to get as much as I could out of 170 lbs my set weight.

It went very well except for a not so stable arch which put the bar out in front a few times. To be expected but not bad at all

I decided to start with a few single and see how that went and then try  doubles. Good plan

Military Press
 bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 2
150 x 1 ( out in front)
160 x 1 ( better but still not co ordinated well)
170 x 1 x 2 sets ( second better than first)
       x 2 x 3 sets
the above video is the first set of 2 and was the worst. they got better as I fully warmed up and settled in

Back squat

these went very well. brought my stance in closer and that was a correct

bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5 x 2

so strange as it feels so balanced and strong Not used to that with a bar on my back.Could still feel the tightness in my t spine from so much sitting all day not helping my arch. but that's fine

Floor pushups
needed some volume

Clubbell arm cast
2 sets of 8/8 with 25 lbs

solid and easy

 3 sets of 70

suprisingly didn't feel like puking!

side delts
3 sets of 12

BW 167.6
BF 13.7
W 55.6

ok stretch out tomorrow


Friday, November 24, 2017

32 kg One Arm Swings 10x10/10, 295 Deadlift

This was harder than expected on one day early and yesterdays ruck. Started off with the texas power bar and it was way too much knurling. Wasn't setting  my grip enough and hips came up too fast
Switched to the  york bar and really set my grip and it was easy

135 x 3
225 x 2
225 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1

32 kg One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 10/10 x 10

BW 167.8
BF 11.0
W 57.6 !!

post thanksgiving too! Just ate one meal yesterday  true intermittent fast!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving day Ruck

It was a close call but I got it in
Nothing special but it was solid and strong, if not a bit too warm. What the hell is it doing at 78 degrees in Nov?

50 lbs ruck
6 laps
52 min
PRE 5.5

BW 168.6
BF 12.7
W 56.7

Swings and  pulls tomorrow , day early but all carbed up :)


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

24 kg speed swings 18 min, walking lunges, parallel pushups, side delts

Just a wee but fatigued today, as expected. Dialed it down accordingly. Did all my 18 min but didn't worry about maxing power output. It went well. No  muscle issues at all. wind was fine and groove was solid

Mentally strong as well, 18 min was NO problem that way

24 kg speed swings
8 rpa
18 min
288 reps
15,264 lbs
RPE 5.5

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft

not hard but didn't push here either

parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 30

don't think I'm messing with bench press for a few months, at least not in the workout. perhaps at No Ex for play

side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15

good groove shoulders feel good

BW 169.4
BF 12.6
W 56.6

Pre workout
BW 168 ??

ok we'll see what happens tomorrow. perhaps a ruck perhaps not. Anniversary weekend so I'll swing and deadlift Friday AM


Monday, November 20, 2017

160 lb Military press 8 sets of 3 PR and Goal wt.,Barbell back squat! 135 x 5, cb arm cast, rear delts

Was really knackered today from all the work this weekend and was worried I would not make all eight sets. Nothing hurt at all but I just felt flat and tired. Not particularly strong at work
Plus I knew I was going to attempt barbell squats and that had me worried too. Had no real idea I could hold the bar on my back, with my shoulders so tight

It all worked out well in the end but it took forever ( all warmups + 4 work sets!!) to feel strong and into it!

that's crazy
Military press
stick x 5
45 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
140 x 1
150 x 1
160 x 3 x 8 sets!!! PR

once my left biceps tendon stopped talking to me it helped a lot :)
1) REALLY squeeze glutes on unracking/take off of bar. SO important. Bascially unrack the bar with the glutes
2) get the third step wide. this is crucial for fighting through the sticking point with balance
3) I HAVE TO LAYBACK THEN LAYBACK AGAIN AS I SHOVE! I can't forget this. If I just press from the initial position the bar goes up then forward. Once I layback I have to layback and drive at the same time, JUST like my bench press
4) flex the quads HARD right as I lay back. provides SO much more speed

Barbell Back squats ( first time since TKR with bar and first time since 2002 or so :)

Did some bar only warmups this AM at work and realized I could get the bar on my back, almost, but didn't know how it would feel with any weight. Actually it was not bad at all and I can tell this will really help my shoulder flexibility.

So ironic that this is exactly how I should have squatted when I competed. High bar  medium to narrow stance and with a weightlifters shoe. THIS is my position of leverage. I made the huge mistake, which I will never make again, of ignoring what my body and strength told me what was right, biomechanically , to try to use a technique not suited to my body at all.
Live and learn but this one had a very high price on my body

CB arm casts
25 lbs x 8/8 x 3

tired now. no crawls

Rear delts
3 x 10 with 20

strong but I'm done

BW 167.6
BF 13.0
W 56

ok needed day off tomorrow and much needed bodymaintenance!


Sunday, November 19, 2017

52 and 68 kg One Arm Swings, barbell deadlift ( 275#), Weighted pushups (78 #) side delts

So it looks like I will be going through the StrongFirst lifter course as a student, a new requirement for all the Master Instructors ( StrongFirst bodyweight will be after that) and although I can opt out of actually testing the lifts due to my competitive  and injury history I am interested to see exactly what I can do that doesn't hurt me.

I still plan on keeping this current training schedule going as is, just substituting some of the barbell lifts in. AND the 200 lbs Military press goal for March still takes precedence. The military press is one of the tested lifts

The heaviest requirement is a double bodyweight deadlift, which should be no more than 340 for me so I decided to DL today so see how things felt. Could not have gone better

But first ,the swings

One arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 5/5
44 kg x 5/5
48 kg x 5/5 ( weighed this and weighs out at 49.54 kg! 109 lbs)
52 kg x 5/5 x 5 ( weighs out at 54 kg! 119 lbs)
68 kg x 5/5 x 5 ( this weighed out perfectly)

this was HARD especially since it was a  crisp 40 deg in the gym!! so hard to get actually warmed up for these heavy weights but they were stronger than ever. Realized I REALLY have to set the grip DEEP in the hand especially for the left, really helps


started off easy
135 x 3
185 x 2
225 x 2
255 x 2
275 x 1
 strong and fast! double overgrip( hook) which is how I want to pull and no belt. I think it will be safer without a belt for my back. we will see. I have no doubt I can pull 315 right now as fast as the 275. Plan is to do just what I did today. work up to a semi heavy single and back off. Let the swings do the job. Next workout do 275 then 285.

Weighted Pushups
bw x 12
53 x 10
78 x 8 x 3 sets

no problem

side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15's

the interesting part of this will be getting UNDER a squat bar ( more than the squat itself) and if I can barbell bench with a thumbed grip ( thumbless is not allowed) but if not I will opt out of that lift

BW 168.6
BF 11.5 ( post bath)
W 57.1

time to ruck. was raining too hard on thursday


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

24 kg speed swings 16 min, walking lunges, arm casts, rear delts

This was a strong one. I can really settle into a rhythm now right away and the power stays high the whole time. Cardio is no issue at all and I can't remember when I had to double breath in a set

24 kg speed swings
15:15 8 RPA
16 min
256 reps
13,568 lbs

nice tonnage
RPE = 6

Walking lunges
 4 sets of 40 steps

easy here too not bad at all

25lb CB arm casts

3 sets of 8/8

just wanted to get the feel for monday with the 35

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20

this is the right weight, 15 is too ligh

BW 169
BF 11.7
W 57.1

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, November 13, 2017

160 lb Military press 5x3, 3x 2, 40 kg belt squats, floor pushups, crawls, side delts

This was a very nice surprise. Honestly I would have been happy with one or two sets of three. Five was spectacular and the extra three sets of two ( which I could have done one more) was perfect. I finally warmed up

I also realized on set four that my stance was too narrow and that widening my left foot and inch or so more made my base much more stable and my arch easier to maintain. Just another piece of the puzzle.

Again, it's maintaining tightness and strength in the support position that is the most challenging and that gives out first.

I was still pushing the bar a bit forwards occasionally even with the false grip; not enough arch.

Military press
stick x 5
bar x 4
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
150 x 1 ( hard!)
160 x 3 x 5 sets
       x 2 x 3 sets

not bad!!

40 kg Belt squats
12, 14, 16, 18 reps


Floor pushups
3 sets of 35

going to switch these to wednesday and add in two hand cb arm casts as an assistance for the arch in the press
twice a week pushups will be plenty. I'll alternate parallel and horiz weighted on Saturday

3 sets of 70 ft

side delts
3 sets of 15
strong again

BW 168.2
BF 12.2
W 56.8

I'll take it, now to keep it

Oh, some new and VERY cool VIKN chalk! love this

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Back to ruck

 This was not easy. One hour isn't two and two after 48 kg one arm swings ain't easy either. But it got done. Not terrible just slow with heavy legs.
Nice and cool and crisp though and that helped a lot. Love that fresh cool air
And it was good to be back on track. Love being able to do this that's for sure

50 lb ruck
1 hr 50 min
12 laps
11 iso squats

nice steady pace, no timed laps

BW 168
BF 12.2
W 56.6

big press tomorrow 160 and well see how many triples I can do


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Back to the grind 48 kg One arm swings 10x6/6,double 24 kg front squat,wt pushups, side delts

Was definitely just a bit worried about how this would go today after not swinging heavy for the last two weeks AND having to dig some wet mud yesterday to help out our plumber but things were fine. Not freezing yet and that helped too
 Very interesting to feel just how much work my abs had to do with these heavy one arms! I  mean, I know it, but man I felt it!

One arm swings
16  kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 6/6 x 10

definitely going to take this workout back up to 10 x 10/10. It's just a "thing" to do. It's so hard but it gives me a strength and conditioning that I haven't had since I stopped. Now, I don't need to do it every week like I was in prep for the Sinister test but once a month should be fine

wk1 32 kg x 10 x 10/10
wk2 40 kg x 10 x 10/10
wk3 44 kg x 10 x 5/5
wk 4 48 kg x 10 x 10/10
wk 5 52/68 kg x 10 x 5/5

I like the look of this on paper :)

24 kg front squats

Deepest yet. I think I should just stay with these bells for the next month and work depth. this felt strong

Wt Pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10
     x 8

these were a bit weak

rear delts
3 x 10 with 15's

almost too light but getting tired now

BW 168.4
BF 11.2 ( post bath)
W 58.3

ruck up tomorrow. this will be interesting


Thursday, November 09, 2017

Basic ruck

Just getting back on the horse . 48 lbs, 60 min, steady state ruck. No problem . In this I actually feel rested and looser instead of weaker . pace was solid and very steady. pack felt light and no issues from yesterday.

Saturdays Beast swings should be interesting

BW 167.4
BF  12.9
W 55.7

20 pm post ruck
bw 166.4
bf 11.4
w 57.1


Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Back to work: 24 kg speed swings 14 min, walking lunges, barbell press,parallel pushups wt, side delt

Back from Montreal BodyMaintenance workshop and this is my first workout in a week. No problem with that, as these unplanned layoffs are good for me. Without travel I pretty much never take any time off.
Lost four pounds down to 166 but that will be back fast it seems. Less training equals less appetite too it seems. I ate out a lot but I guess I didn't eat that much.

Seems like I've never trained though and I was worried about today's 224 swings but it was strong. So glad to be back on the horse. Not training never feels good.

24 kg speed swings
14 min
224 reps
11,872 lbs

walking lunges
3 laps

taking it slow

barbell press
45 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5

very strong. glad I took the time to do these. I think they will help on Monday

parallel pushups
bw x 20
32 lbs x 20

side delts
15 lbs x 3 x 10

BW 167.4
BF 13.4
W 55

when I got home yesterday it was
BW 166
BF 11.4
W 58.3 !!


ruck up tomorrow


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

24 kg speed swings 20 min, walking lunges, parallel pushups, rear delts

Today is the five year anniversary of the inception of StrongFirst. I was lucky enough to be the Master SFG and Deputy Chief for the first ever SFG Level 1 cert in Woodlands Tx, March 13, 2013. It was a very special day. Although I left for awhile,  I am now truly realize how special and unique this group is as is the mission.

It's something I've been apart of since 2005,had the honor of helping to craft and grow it over many years with many very special people, not the least of which is Pavel.
After my TKR I truly have felt re born and coming back to StrongFirst and being part of this amazing school and group is a big part of it.

I felt like I sat on the bench for so many years because of my knee; trapped in perpetual rehab mode. And while I learned oh so many things during those years, being able to practice my strength training again, for real, is just an amazing gift. A miracle. really.  And it's just the beginning

24 kg speed swings
15:15 x 8 RPA
20 min
320 reps
16,960 lbs

strongest ever, really. No big deal at all, just another session but power output was very consistent throughout!

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps
stronger actually. really worked on stretching out the lead leg and dorsiflexion

Parallel pushups
3 sets of 35 !
finally feeling some strength on this day again

rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20

BW 169.2
BF 12.7
W 56.5
2645 cals

Off to Montreal tomorrow to teach a BodyMaintenance course. Love doing these and really showing people how easy it is to unlock themselves. Very empowering skill


Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't another fast and strong one! 35...