"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Little video I did today on how to find the right hip position for the start of the deadlift
Solid pace today , despite very tired hamstring and quads from yesterday's training. But I was able to keep a pretty solid 8:00 lap pace for the duration. Legs moved well. Used Chi walking technique. it's more hunched over but it's comfortable and I get best speed. Pretty close to the posture I used to run in.
40 lb ruck
6 laps
8:00 lap average
56 min
BW 162.2
BF 12.2%
W 56.6
day off then 36 kg for 200 reps
neck is much much better , pretty much normal.best everything has felt at once in forever
Another long one in the books. Not bad at all. Didn't even look at the clock until 11 min in and was in no distress. Pace was solid and consistent, as was power output. Breaking was good and did some double breathing at 12 min in. Still a bit conflicted over whether to do it or not on purpose. It does take away power but it is much better for the heart, cardiovascularly. Probably just answered my own question. I get plenty of heavy power work on Saturdays.
Speed swings 24 kg
15:15 x 10
40 sets
400 reps
21,200 lbs
people who don't think kb swings work your abs should try this workout
Walking lunges, bodyweight
4 laps of 40 steps
did these on sidewalk instead of grass and I think I like it better.More focus on quality on knee flexion and less on stabilization of the foot.
I want the knee and quad work more now than stabilization
Parallel bar pushups
2 x 25
1 x 20
tired shouders tri's from Monday. perfect load though
Side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15's
love these more every day. this was such a staple in my bodybuilder arsenal. I never knew how much they helped my shoulder stay healthy
Now this was a surprise! got back my old squat rack I had loaned to Nick many years ago when I realized I was too broke down to ever need it again. But it has much magic in it after 20 years helping me and my friends lift some heavy ass shit!
The rack is a first generation Louie Simmons designed and built power cage is just about perfect with spacers one inch apart. Now I just need to press out of it but it gives me strength and power and brings back many great memories.
I also got back my vintage York machined 45 lbs plates which I love. When I press m y goal of 135 for 5x5 it will be with a York Plate
Old man, old school silly shit but that's me
It was a little disorienting at first , pressing in a brand new direction but I figured it out. AND no mirror to distract me, either
Mil Press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
125 x 5 x 5!! PR
it was hard though. Physically I felt fine. Slept well and my right hip is 99% normal. Even mentally focused well on the way in.
No excuses. But it was fucking heavy ,lol had to REALLY stay tight. It's all easy 'til it's heavy.
One arm shield casts
2 sets of 8/8 with 10 lb clubs
YES! these were fine. excited to get them back in the mix again
Belt squat
36 kg x 10,12,14, 16
off ten lb plates.
deepest yet. next stop, 25 lb plates
Floor pushups
2 sets of 25
1 set of 20
arms were tired, go figure
shoulders were great, though
3 sets of 60 ft
fastest yet. these are much better than ever
Rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15's
solid. can really feel there's muscle now in my posterior deltoids :) about time
ok a day off then 20 min of speed swings on wednesday. no problems
Almost didn't go today. Right TFL was super tight and it wasn't responding to normal self massage or stretching techniques. I was limping ( strange, now, to limp because of my right leg,lol) I've had this before and got relief from rolling it out with a stick while it was in flexion.
Doing it with the hip in extension did not help.
So I did that a bit and took off, knowing I could always turn around easily ( another good thing about having my 'track' two blocks from my house.
Things started out tight and I wondered if it was going to work. Plus my calves felt seriously tight an and heavy and took two full laps to loosen up.
But then things did and the third laps was fast - 8:03- very fast for that early and things kept getting faster. and the hip opened up more and more until it felt normal
6th lap was 7:50 which totally took me by surprise but not as much as the last lap coming in at an all time PR of 7:33!
I would have never bet on this happening today!
You just have to show up and see how things go.
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
12 iso squats
3rd lap 8:03
6th lap 7:50
12 lap 7:33 PR!!
Wow! VERY strong and fit feeling today. The 32 felt like a 24 and I could really concentrate on details of form and position and maximizing power output for each rep and the entire set! Heartate was low,especially compared with last week. Very happy with this. felt like I could do this all day
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 10/10 x 12 sets
240 reps
16,800 lbs
Best this has felt ever
Hack squats
55 x 10
75 x 10 x 4 sets
kept it light on purpose and worked on depth and slow tension
Sandbag pushups horiz bar
30 lbs x 12, 13, 14, 15
getting stronger here too.
Side delts
3 sets of 10 with 20 lbs
these moving up too. A very important shoulder movement
ok right hip still a bit tight from after wednesay ruck. Just the TFL facilitated. It's been so long since I've really had to "work" on anything it feels weird to have to. A great thing. My body maintenance is actually maintenance for most part instead of crisis intervention :)
It kind of caught up with me to. Heavy legs and calves and just not much in the tank. It's perfectly fine as this has been a serious peaking week- and the response was expected. I just took it slowly and put one foot ahead at a time
Didn't expect any speed records but the hour finished stronger, and faster than it started.Nice cool breeze always helps too. Long way to go to get ready for the heat of summer. It begins soon
40 lb Ruck
6 laps
55 min
3rd lap 8:15
6th lap 7:54
my legs finally loosened up for the last two laps and I got some speed going. Heavy legs are rarely fast legs
As usual, after a big 48kg workout and a heavy press day I'm sore in the upper back for this workout :) Just makes throwing around the 24 as fast as possible a little more uncomfortable but that's the game
Surprisingly too I was very strong today cardio wise, after how hard Saturday was in that way. NO double breathing the whole time! First ever. Very good conditioning sign. And power and acceleration was solid as well. No bodyparts ached and that's very very nice.
Speed swings
24 kg
15:15 x 10 per arm
30 sets
300 reps
15,900 lbs
Sandbag lunges
4 laps of 20 steps + farmers walk back
these were good but not easy
Parallel pushups
3 x 20
1 x 15
triceps a bit tired
side delts
3 sets of 15 with 12's
these as usual feel vital and really helping my shoulder stability
This went way better than expected. Especially considering how tough this weekend was, training wise. I was hoping for 2 sets of 4 and 3 sets of 3 but 3x4 was easy so I went for all five sets and decided to bang out 5 on the last set to set the stage for next week.
bar felt light in my hands and the body. Nice and about freakin' time.
Mil Press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
125 x 4 x 4 sets
x 5 x 1 set PR!!!
Belt squat
32 kg x 12, 13 14 on one inch block
x 15 on 2 inch block! definitely more stretch on the thighs
Floor pushup
2 x 25
1 x 20
1 x 15
triceps were definitely tired no worries 85 reps is fine
3 x 60 ft
easiest ever
Rear delts
3 x 15 with 15 lbs
rear delts finally making a comeback. this is strongest and I can actually FEEL my rear delt and not just my rhomboids, working!
No, not the psychedelic drug but Long Slow Distance training. After yesterday's Beast fest my legs were shot! Back was fine thank goodness but the legs were heavy from the get so I didn't worry about time at all. Just getting the laps in. Wasn't too bad after all but I didn't try to push things at all
48 lb Ruck
12 laps
2 hours
10 isometric squat holds
6th lap 8:15
11th lap 8:05
Well that was way harder than expected. As usual since I was well prepared, well rested, well fed and focused it was harder than I hoped. But it got done.
Took my adaptogens before the workout, which I never do, and it got me TOO amped up. Grip was a little bit weak today it seemed but my cardio was stinkin'. My heartrate after the tenth set was 200 + easy. And I didn't measure it for 30 seconds or so after the set
The combo of the supps plus the nerves just got me ampy. And we were going as fast between sets as we ever have. Just barely got some wind back before the next set. But it got done, and after looking at the video it looked better than it felt.
It just felt hard
When this feels like the 32 kg does now then I know the goal is met
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
21,200 lbs
glad that's done.
Hack squats
55 x 10
75 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 5 x 2
just tired
Sandbag pushups
30 lbs x 10 x 4 sets
Db laterals
3 x 12 with 15 lbs
superset with
db curls
3 sets of 8 with 15's
Without a doubt the strongest 10 minute bout I have done. Mucho power from start to finish. Was able to really focus every set on pushing hard for each rep, even being able to maximally push the bell back on each rep.Very satisfying.
24 kg Speed swings
15 :15 x 10 reps
20 sets
200 reps
10,600 lbs
10 min
Sandbag walking lunges
5 laps of 20 feet and farmers walk back ( 30 lbs)
finally these are strong too. 5 laps ties PR
Parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 25
1 set of 20
this rep range moved up across the board now too.
Rear delts
4 sets of 15 with 15's
most sets yet. strong here too.
ruck up tomorrow and BIG workset on Saturday. 48kg for 10 sets of 10/10 if I'm lucky :)
STRONG day! and have no idea why, nor do I care,lol.Daylight savings time didn't seem to hurt much but I just felt strong going into the workout. The extra cup of coffee mid day must not have hurt, either
Military press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 4
95 x 2
115 x 1
125 x 3 x 5 sets PR
Could have done at least two sets of five. Weight felt light on the walkout which is always great.
Belt squat
48 kg x 12 x 4 sets on one inch plates
paused on the floor for each rep. MUCH harder ,lol these were solid though. time to stand on two inch plates
Floor pushups
3 sets of 25 PR
1 set of 20
very very strong, especially after all those presses
3 sets of 60 feet
finally getting easy and FAST! about time :)
side delts
1 x 12 with 15's
2 x 8 with 20's!!!
surprisingly strong here too.
BW 162.2
BF 11.1!!
W 57.3
don't know there this came from but I'll take it
day off tomorrow but I feel like I could train. Energy is great!
Got up an hour later despite good intentions with daylight savings time. Just in time for a nice downpour
Not too bad at first and I took off the raincoat fast as I was heating up. Legs felt good as did everything until lap eight when I just started to bonk a bit. Slogged through but it was tough and pretty slow.
I'm sure the pack weight 53+ lbs towards the end
47 kb ruck
12 laps
2 hours 5 min
10 iso squats
8th lap = 8:20
pretty slow but it was lovely. clear crisp air. Put the coat back on after I was fully drenched and started to get cold
BW 162.2
BF 12.0
W 57
ok big press day tomorrow start to work with 125 lbs
Back to the original plan, building up all weight to 10 sets of 10/10 with the exception of 44 kg day( today) as a deload week prepping for next weeks Beast Week
Less hand stress than 20 sets of 5 and much more total body conditioning, strength and harder core cardio!
But today was sweet, just 10 sets of 5/5 with the 44 and it's never felt lighter,nor have I swung it more powerfully.
Nick asked what's the goal after I can do the 48 for 10 sets of 10/10 regularly, the 52? I said no, to make each beast rep of those 200 as high and floaty as the 32 kg :)
One arm Swings
16 x 5/5 x 2
20 x 5/5
24 x 5/5
28 x 4/4
32 x 3/3
36 x 3/3
44 x 5/5 x 10
100 reps
9700 lbs
Hack squats
55 x 15
75 x 12
95 x 10
115 x8
135 x 5 PR! these felt strong.
Sandbag horiz pushups (30 lbs)
3 sets of 15 PR! strong too
Bar curls
3 sets of 8 with 55 lb
getting better too
Db rear delts
3 x 12 with 15's
ok big ruck tomorrow feel great
BW 161.4
BF 11.2 ???
W 57.3
have NO idea where those numbers came from but I'll take 'em!
Late post. Good one on thursday. Legs tired from the 17 min swing session but the gait mechanics were solid. Didn't try to push pace at all. Just get the work in
40 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
3rd lap 8:20
6th lap 8:06
this new "understanding" of the hip action in gait is very cool and seems to make the stride much more efficient
This video is from last Oct but it's about the same thing, except I was stronger today. Stronger both in power output and respiration. In this video I was double breathing the entire time because I had to. I don't have to anymore.Power output is better with biomechanical match breathing but cardio training is better with anatomic. I just answered my own question.Alternate, do both.
But today was strong. Didn't even look at the clock until 11 min in.that's great. Mind was not too bad and stayed on point very well.Body was cooperating as well
24 kg Speed Swings
15:15 x 10 reps
17 min
340 reps
18000 lbs 9 tons
strongest 17 min yet
Walking lunges bodyweight
3 laps of 40 steps
best ever, the weighted shorter distance lunging has paid off as I had thought and hoped.
This was solid after I remembered that I need to look "up" not at myself in the mirror. First set was strange but after I fixed that it was strong. Almost went up to 125 for the last set but decided to wait for next week.
Mil Press
stick x 5 x 2
Bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
95 x 1
115 x 5 x 5 ( big jump!)
Belt squat
44 kg x 4 x 12
the one inch plate isn't high enough now. Onto the 25's! the plate is hitting the floor every rep. now that makes me happy!
We got the rain we need yesterday and thankfully it cleared this morning so we could ruck. And if left my path nice and soggy. wet sand and mud so there was a nice extra load for my calves legs and glutes to adapt to.
Perfect. Even the dry/high side was soggy and what a difference in muscle use and energy it requires.
Pace wasn't too bad at all but by the time I got to the 10th lap I was a hurting unit, especially the glutes!
47 lb ruck
12 laps
11 isometric squat holds
1 hr 55 min
5th lap= 8:05
11th lap= 8:05 :)
A slightly different approach here. Decided to do 20 sets of 5/5 to get our 200 reps with this bell instead of 10/10. The thinking is that more sets of lower reps will let us put more power into each rep and set resulting in an overall higher power output for the whole workout. The idea is to cycle the rep schemes over 40 kg
40 kg 20 sets of 5/5
44 kg 10 sets of 10/10
48 kg 20 sets of 5/5
40 kg 10 set of 10/10
44 kg 20 sets of 5/5
48 kg 10 sets of 10/10
Seems to be okay but I'm so used to gearing up for sets of 10/10 or pushing the limits towards that with the bell that this seemed almost too easy; although it was definitely harder on the hands/skin.Power out put seemed a bit better but my main problem with power output is not on the first five reps of a set but the last
I have a minimal range I can increase power output on each rep- basically trying to apply more ground force on the 'jump' stage of the rep. I can't 'hit the hole' and reverse things too much more or it will screw up my groove and produce less power and run the risk of tweaking something. And that's definitely not worth it so I'm not sure this will stick
Sick as it may sound I think I like the higher rep sets better now :)
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 5/5 x 20 sets
200 reps
17,600 lbs
Hack squats
55 x 10
75 x 10
95 x 10
115 x 8
these blew up my quads today. Just a little more leg in the swing this morning as my back was tighter than normal. Barometer is falling and my whole body seems tighter
Sandbag Pushups
30 lbs 4 sets of 12
Bar curls 3 x 6.7.8 with 45 lbs
Side delts 3 sets of 10 with 15
It sometimes seems the shorter speed days are harder than the long slogs. Maybe I am achieving what the goal is; to go as hard as possible each rep, rest and repeat, and that doing this for twelve minutes takes more out of me than 20 but I'm not sure
Either way it was a good workout hard but imminently do able. Good power throughout and the neck is back to almost 100 % actually did some reps looking up the whole way too, just to load the glutes a little more and neck said fine
Speed swings
24 kg x 10
12 min
240 reps
12,720 lbs
Walking sandbag lunges
5 laps of 20 steps + farmers walk back ties PR