Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Snatch practice.

Talking with Zachariah Salazar, one of my assistants and Z health genius.I learned TONS from him this weekend. Totally cool guy as well.

The most frustrating part of teaching at certs for me is the traveling. I am the total homebody and hate leaving my cave,especially since my gym is attatched.I love the stability and simplicity of having everything I need right at my fingertips; it makes hard training and the recovery needed to actual adapt and progress to a new level of fitness possible.It makes progressive training so much easier to do.Your intensity of training is ALWAYS limited by your recovery ability.So the more stable your home life the harder you can train. This has always been a guiding pricniple in my life because, quite simply, my life has revolved around training since I was 14. I'm used to it this way.I like it.
Travel always messes with me badly, although nowhere near as bad as when my knee and back were so jacked up I could barely walk two blocks without needing an hour on the foam roller.
This was much different though when I was a powerlifter:lifting WAY more weight than my body should have and requiring tons of recovery, both active and passive( can you say feet up protein shake in hand?).
Now that my goal is a " back of iron, and legs that never quit" and my focus is on work capacity training and overall resilient endurance travel, and life are WAY easier. But it still messes with me and I still have lessons to learn.
Or, more acurately, to remember.
Now I remember why I don't train on wednesdays; it's called a taper and I still need it.My 60 sets of max vo2 were great but DOMS set in the next day( 24 hours early) and on Thursday night my knee felt like it usual does on Sunday night. It didnt shake out til Saturday but I learned a good lesson.
Sometimes not training is better.Yoga would have been better.Live and learn.
Plus, it totally jacks up my training schedule.Normally I would train on mondays but we got in way late and I was back up at 4am for a full compliment of clients. Come 2 pm there was no juice.Which means I missed saturdays and mondays and have to take off wednesday 'cause I just learned a lesson: taper.
Course the CK FMS will have lots of training, albeit a different type, with bells for me.I guess the next thing for me to adapt to is the 'very short' travel workout. For me, unless it's in a gym with a plan it's not training and its hard for me to get my head into "just go outside and bust out some snatches" between lectures. Not my thing.But I will have to get something together cause it looks like I'm gonna be traveling ,lol.
So just a light, get back on the horse workout. Its said that "eating just makes you hungry" and it looks like "not training makes you lazy". I think that never losing momentum , no matter how small, is the key to long term training progress.Overcoming inertia is a bitch.Time for some snatch practice, low reps and multiple weights

16 kg 5x5
20 kg 5x5
24 kg 5x5
300 reps
13,300 lbs

10 rounds of each laddering up in weight. this was suprisingly easy and fun. it should be, only 100 reps with the 24 kg but it still felt right to do.

H2H transfers
20 kg x 25 reps x 4 sets
100 reps
4400 lbs

these were solid. more in the legs and hips. rest periods getting shorter. but still a minute or so.

2 15 lb CBs x 15 reps x 4 sets
60 reps

Two hand CB flag press
15 x10/10
25x 8/8x2

alright. Bikrams tomorrow( lol, how much am I going to get my ass kicked tomorow?) then off to the CK FMS. This is gonna be a blast; it seems like the entire Master, Senior, Team Leader, and RKC 2 team are going to be in attendance. Cool shoes.

datsit. gotta eat more.


Pete said...


Congratulations on your Master Instructor title. You are a wealth of knowledge and a solid practitioner.


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Pete.I appreciate the kind words greatly.

Robban said...

Hi Rif! are you doing any other lifting than KBs like deadlift, squats etc...


Mark Reifkind said...


no, I do just kb swings, snatches rack hold and walking. I do a bit of clubbell work but no barbell work.

Anonymous said...


175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...