Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bikram Pr. back in the saddle.

Got in an extra yoga class today and good thing I did. I finally held that stinkin standing bow on my left leg for the full minute! Bout freakin time! We were at the Los Gatos class which is hot but not oven hot and that helps a lot.It's not like I dont sweat like a pig, I do, but I'm not fighting ridiculously oppressive heat the whole time too. More practice than endurance.Good to have a balance.
I hit some pr's on every series and I felt like I could actually relax into my left leg for the first time ever . I could actually spread the toes on my left foot too, creating a wider base for balance. that might not seem like a big thing- IF you can do it. If you can't it is.
All the external rotation poses went really well and I actually got my hands to touch underneath me in full locust as well.This stuff is helping my shoulders WAY more than I ever thought it would .Such a great, and logical extension and progression of the gymnastics type stretching I have been doing.
Good things too in all the little details and the split leg forward to head is almost normal on the left leg. I never would have thought it possible.

Bikrams is such a great example of a deep skill practice. You dont change the poses, you dont change the order, you dont change the length of time of the postures,you dont change anything. All you can do, all you can focus on is going further into the stretch,deeper into the position than you did before. There is nothing else to focus on. And, the better you get the easier it gets so you HAVE to concentrate on new ways to go deeper into the skill. This is what I was talking about to MC about simplicity of training. Its not that there is not an underlying complexity it's just that it IS underlying, the most basic of all movements.Whether it's the standing bow or the one arm swing.Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Just focus in and see where it brings you.
Actual day off tomorrow then some higher rep snatch sets with the 24 on saturday.

good stuff.


175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...