Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Snatch Vo2 36:36

If Hardstyle max vo2 with one breath is training at high altitude this was medium altitude. I used just the one breath, but went with the corkscrew to save my grip, my forearms and hence my shoulders.
Last time I did this(
I only used 15 sets per 36 seconds and it wasnt too bad. Stepped it up a notch this time to 16 reps per work bout and it was no problem. Finished each 36 sec bout with at least 2 seconds to spare. As it was last time the 36 seconds rest seemed very long. that was nice. Heartate at the end was just 170ish, too time will have to do this with HS over the top and see what happens.The corkscrew reduces SO much force on the way down its incredible.We'll take this up to high altitude as well.whatever I can do I can do and will build up from there.
It's not where you are now, but where you are going that really matters to me.

Snatch Vo2 36:36
16 kg
16 reps per 36 sec
18 sets
288 reps
10,368 lbs

Rack Walks
16 kg
1600 feet switching hands every 200 feet.

will start alternating walks with the 16 kg with interval walks with the 20 kg. this is how I started originally with the 16 and built up to continuous walks.I am ready for this now. Didnt go farther than last time but stepped up the pace. finishing heartrate was 150.

Arm casts with 16 lb CB
20 20

these were good.elbow was fine and I love what these do for my shoulder mobility and upper body size.

BW 157.4 double oops
BF 10%
Water 58.8

just dehydrated. gotta eat more.

Datsit :))


Jordan Vezina said...

That's a great point about the corkscrew descent. The killer for me on the 36/36 has always been grip, not so much cardio or strength. As you did I have a few seconds lockout at the end, so I should have plenty of time to hit the corkscrew.

Franz Snideman said...


your KB Fitness level has got to rival some of the GS competitors. You're GPP is good....really good!

Mark Reifkind said...


it really does save the grip,and the forerams, but it really is so much easier. maybe too easy....

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man but I don't think work capacity is certainly better than in many moons but 200 plus reps in ten minutes is still far from my grasp.

Aaron Friday said...

"It's not where you are now, but where you are going that really matters to me."

I'm going to Hell. Any advice?

Mark Reifkind said...

dress for the tropics.

Aaron Friday said...

You are more of a smart-ass than I am.

So, jock-strap and shades should do it?

Mark Reifkind said...


is that a surprise?lol. I was thinking more bermuda shorts and shades. didnt need THAT image of you in my head, thanks a lot ;)

Pikes Peak Kettlebell Club said...

"Its not where you are, but where you are going that matters to me." Absolutely love the quote, Rif. It seems like an eternity since I was on your team back in Sept '06. I was invited to assist this September and am looking forward to seeing you again. You are an inspiration, brother.

Steve Meidinger, RKC

Mark Reifkind said...


good to see you here. also good to hear I will see you in R/L in Sept.hope things are going well and good to know you are reading my stuff. thanks


Aaron Friday said...

Sorry Rif. Blue lifting shorts, it is.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron. I have enough disturbing images in my head already :))

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...