Monday, May 26, 2008

Swing time

A great pic of my hero and earliest role model, Japanese Olympic Gold Medalist Akinori Nakayama, perhaps the best example of the modern gymnast of all time. Pure strength, power and grace personified.And the heart of a Samurai.

I really dread swing day cause it's just plain hard work. nothing fancy, nothing distracting; nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Just a lot of very basic, very straightforward work. Oh well, it's the base and if you let the base get weak the building ain't gonna stand for long so it's time to get to work.
Havent swung the 32 in what seems like ages and even though I am a skinny guy these days the weight felt light and moved well, suprisingly enough.Kept the reps low to really build back up a bit but it seems like I am back on track.

One arm swings
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x5/5

32 kgx
10/10=90 reps
x 2 rounds then
5/5x6 sets
240 reps
17,280 lbs( man those reps with the 32 really add up fast!)

Snatch Holds
20kgx 1 min x 3 sets each arm

this was tough but getting back on track here as well.24kg again very soon.

Flag press
15 lb CB x10/10
25 lb CB x12 x 6 sets

these were good and each rep was dead stop held for at least 1-2 seconds. LOTS of upper body tension here and I am really working to get the elbows to fully lock out and get plenty of tricep work.

BW 156.2 ouch.
BF 10.9%
Water 58.8 dehydrated.

datsit. snatch vo2 on wednesday with the 20 kg, that should be interesting.


4 Ranges, RKC said...

Nice work Rif. I'm looking to get back to the swing of things.

That's the thing I love about KB's - it has a way of bringing one back to the basics.

I've been playing with the flag press myself with my clubs. Depending on the day, I tend to keep my CB work ahead of my KB work, because I'm just learning them at this point.

See you in June,

Authentic Strength Training said...

I posted your thoughts on the Base to a fellow RKCs blog. He will no doubt have some more wind in his sails when he reads it. Thanks again Rifstonyogi.

Whiskey Two

Brett Jones said...

Swings - no place to hide -just hard work! yes
Great work Rif...

Mark Reifkind said...

good to hear from you brother.and yes, the bell does bring things back to the simplest of the simplest, and the depth of that as well.don't know why but it does for me and so many others
I still like the clubs and you are smart to put them first at this part of the learning curve.
see you in a few weeks.

Mark Reifkind said...

Whiskey two

thanks always for the good thoughts and kind words.hope all is going well for you.Rifstonyogi- I like it.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks brett and yes it's always good to stay in contact with the center of the universe :))

Franz Snideman said...

Nice work Rif with the 32kg.....nice to see you swinging around the big bells! You're body obviously can handle it.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz,
yes, it's very interesting to see how my body and my swing groove have evolved over the last three years. even as I have dropped body mass my swing and snatch have gotten so much stronger and conditioned.plenty of room to go too.

Franz Snideman said...

Awesome Rif! I think there is plenty of room for all of us to grow, heh?

Bob Garon II, Synergy Kettlebell Training said...


When you perform a workout such as this one:

32 kgx
10/10=90 reps
x 2 rounds then
5/5x6 sets

Do you rest between sets?

Is there any break between those or you're just immediately switching back to the other hand and going and and on...?

Also any break between rounds?



175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...