Saturday, April 19, 2008

More Snatches with the 24.

Today would be a first. I never have done sets and reps like this with the 24 kg and it was not very long ago I considered anything over a ten rep set high reps.But Snatch Vo2 training and lots of paused snatch workouts have really changed my technique and stability in the movement and this stuff just seems like the natural next step in my training.
If my body could handle the heavy stuff it would be different but those days are over for me. High rep training is the new frontier now. I had always hoped,in the back of my mind, that I would be able to push my snatch training hard and really get back into setting and accomplishing real numbers goals and it looks like it might just come to past. Way cool

20kg x5/5x2

24 kg x10/10/10/10 in 2:40
x10/10/10/10 in 2:40
x 10/10/10/10 in 2:34
x10/10/10/10 in 2:10
x 13/13 in 2:00( one minute per arm)
186 reps
9858 pounds
186 points

this went just great! I kept to a slow pace and just motored through it. very solid and the hands and overhead postion felt great. very very pleased with this workout. my 100 reps in 5 minute goal will get done for sure.

I got some video of the fourth set on my new Flip Video camcorder that is freaking amazing. And amazingly easy to use EXCEPT that it doesnt fit the USB on my PC and my laptop is at work.This thing will shoot 60 min continuous video and is cheap.Have to get it through Tracy's laptop later.

Here it is. Seems I cut my arm off but hey, this was the first time playing with this thing. This is way better quality video than my canon powershot. very impressed with this thing.

I was super happy when I did this workout with the 20 kg so this was even sweeter.The fitness level I have acheived through the max vo 2 work has really let me train at this lower intensity level for much longer.The stronger you are, and the higher your absolute level, the easier submax anything becomes. Of course I have a VERY long way to go before I can go ten minutes ( or even five minutes)straight at any respectable pace but it is coming. I can see that now and I couldn't say that before.

Clubbell Mills
15 lb clubs x 10/10 x 5 sets

this is still touchy on my left elbow.Need more forearm release I know. I have been lazy about it.




Jordan Vezina said...

Wow, that video looks really good! I hadn't seen much from the flip before, but I'm a believer now. Great work with the snatches too, it's great the way you've been able to keep pushing your rehabilitation further and further. It's an inspiration to some of my clients who are working past their own issues that they thought were just a dead end for them.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, I am also impressed with it. the snatches keep getting better and better. the wider the base the higher the peak.I try to just keep constantly make the base wider and deeper.The key is to continue to work not just on conditioning but muscle and joint balance at the same work loads go up so must pre/rehab levels.

Jordan Vezina said...

Wise words. As I push harder I'm definitely keying in more on my stretching, foam roller, and Z work. Hate to make a ton of progress and then get taken out by neglect.

Franklin said...

Nice snatch work, very efficient and smooth .. something I have to work on to emulate. And I'm very envious of the 10/10/10/10 sets .. also something for me to shoot for.

As for the Flip, the video and audio are both very good and blows away the piece of junk of the same dimensions I bought two years ago. How did you set it up? Does it attach to a tripod?

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, it's been thousands of snatches that has gotten me even this close to 'smooth'.a few million more and I should be 'super smooth',lol.
I attached the flip to my old tripod and it worked fine. It came with a short tripod that works but is too low for the gym.

Iron Tamer said...

This makes me smile.Your breathing is practically identical to mine.

I predict a 220+ SST score within the year.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, that would be an insane thing for me to accomplish.your help has been incredibly effective.

Gabi said...

Very impressive progress.
You really make it look so easy :)

And this is double breathing?! My, I often used it instinctively with heavier bells and always thought that would be a bad habit and to be suppressed :D

Franklin said...

When two of the most senior and respected RKCs trade training advice, I'm no fool not to listen.

Rif, I went back to the video and carefully studied your breathing technique. Thank goodness for your new purchase! The Flip video and audio captured it very well .. I think I got it down. To test it, I ran right downstairs to my humble training hole and first with the 16 kg and then with the 24kg, practiced it .. at first it was little funky counting reps with it, then it kinda grooved .. Very cool!

My sincerest thanks to both Iron-Tamer and yourself for sharing this with the blogosphere.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks,the combination of the technique changes along with the breathing changes has made everything a lot easier. much better for higher reps.doing the breathing conciously and early in the set is great. try it next time before you 'need' it and let me know what you think.

Mark Reifkind said...


first, make sure your back is solid enough to handle it. with an exhalation through the bottom there is LESS stability for the spine, even though the subsequent quick inhale stabilizes things again.
also, it seems virtually IMPOSSIBLE for me to count reps correctly when I'm breathing like this, imo.On another video I did 17 rep sets thinking I had done 15!
I'm getting better now but it is tough,lol!
good luck with it. For high rep, sub max sets its great. for heavier attempts or swings I think classic power breathing is best.

Franklin said...

No surprise that my lower back was a little sore this morning .. I only saw your reply after breakfast about be warned that this technique is more demanding on the spine.

The good news is that I had my snatch form evaluated by an RKC today and my only issue was not keeping my left wrist straight during OH lockout. Since practicing this correction my left side snatch is much smoother and stronger.

Again, thanks so much with all your insights and help on this wonderful but technically challenging lift.

Gabi said...

This confuses me now... My impression, and why I thought I needed the extra exhalation at the bottom was that it _increases_ stability... with higher abdominal pressure during the 'hissing' my 'corset' of muscles around the spine felt tighter, more braced against the impact of deceleration.

Mark Reifkind said...


no. anatomical breathing ( exhaling on flexion) DECREASES spinal stability as it decreases the ability to brace. Hollowing( navel to spine) is LESS supporting than bracing for a punch( power breathing). BUT if you feel stable and strong there( REALLY impossible to tell what's happening from writing) it should be fine. I have had no issues with it and I have a very touchy back.

Howie B said...

Awesome Rif. You continue to post the perfect information relative to your training that I can immediately start applying to my own! Now that I am back on the Snatch Wagon, so to speak, I was considering experimenting with this exact breathing technique. And here you are, demonstrating perfectly. Thank you!

Mark Reifkind said...

glad to be of service. make sure you play around with it with the lighter weights first to make sure it doesnt bother your back.

Howie B said...

That was going to be my plan exactly! =)

48 kg swings 20 x 5, 60 kg belt squat ( VMO tweak!) pullaparts

 This was a weird one.Glenn was out but that wasn't an issue. Slept well but my mind wasnt right. All this bullshit was israel and biden...