"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Didn't like how much knee kick I got on Monday and looked back at my best 225s and realized this might work again. Two years ago pretty much this month ( February). SO I put my other shoes back on, moved my grip in an inch, swung my elbows under the bar and maintained arm pressure on the unracking THEN thought RIGHT as I pressed
Worked great Not perfect no knee kick but way better
This went very well but man it is nervewracking taking these tiny jumps but it's what I need right now
Got what I wanted, two sets with 205 and some tight groups on the down sets too so some solid work with in and around 200 lbs
And the triceps/elbow was fine. Felt it a hint on 195 going up but fixed that by 'pushing right'.
Lot of knee kick which I tried to lessen by 'stiff leg' cue but I just realized with my hips in front of the bar it's almost impossible to lock and hold my knees
Sprained my big toe thursday demostrating going down stairs; and of course didn't feel anything until the middle of the night on thursday! fuck me that hurt and fucking scary
Ice it and adjusted it ( it hurt while I was just lying there, NO WEIGHT which is not a good sign but after the ice it settled down. then i thought it was out, subluxed, which fits the bill
Better this morning but didn't know if I could swing on it but thank G-d I could
Man this month has been TOUGH on my joints! Elbow, trigger thumb , side of left knee last week and now this! Fuck me
If I can go for a walk tomorrow,lightly ( no ruck) I will be we'll see, NOTHING freaks me out more than not being able to walk and squat painfree so I ain't pushing it
Swings went well though. I narrowed my stance and focused much more on a quad driven swing and I was immediately about to do 10 reps in 14-15 seconds no problem
Bell height was not quite as high but power was way bigger so I don't care about another inch of bell height
This was pretty easy though which was great
took 25 min
then went onto 32, 40,44, 44 kg belt squats x 10 each. No problem. Pain in the ass changing the bells but it's actually good work for me. meant to go up to 48 kg but got distracted
then band pushdowns SS with b hammer curls up to 20 lbs
then rolling db extensions for 3 x 8 ( haven't done these in YEARs) and they felt great AND my elbows were 100% good with them!
Started off with swing Vo2 . Been a minute since I did this and boy could I tell.At one point I did 30 min of 15:15 with the 24! Crazy. I had thought about using the 20 then came to my sense and glad I did. I was supposed to do 10 reps in 15 sec but it consistently took me 20! Crazy Looked back on old video and I was swinging much faster. wow. kinda shocking how much I lost still did 20 sets in less than 20 min but that makes no sense.
Then went to presses and the protocol was this
Set the chest
Set the elbows Unrack Stiff Push right
went very well except for a very few not perfect 'push right' where I felt the left tricep just a bit
This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch but still was very self conscious about the set up and actually did feel the tricep on one of the warmups
In retrospect I was rushing the setup and taking too much weight on my arms as I stood up instead of
1) setting the arch while spotting X slowly
2) Then rotating upper arm under the bar.
This unweights the arm on unracking but but still lets me 'get under' it properly
But I was over focused on not tweaking my arm and it cost me power. Plus, not enough focus on stiff legs and ended up with too much knee bend
BUT I handled a lot of decently heavy reps well
135 x 1 145 x 1 155 x 1 165 x 1 175 x 1 185 x 1 190 x 1 195 x 1 200 x MISS! 205 x MISS! 205 x 1 200 x MISS! 195 x 1 190 x 1 180 x 1
This went well. Crazy man wasn't there today which took the edge off. Cold and crisp too but adrenaline was high given the inauguration tomorrow AND the hostage release in Israel today
Strange day. hard time warming up and this felt heavy at the start. kind of what I was afraid of happening might be happening: that the lighter weights start to feel heavy because my top end is lower now. Has to be in my head though as I just started it
Left wrist was tweaky from the start of the work sets ( and oh, btw my left trigger thumb is back- FUCK) Not bad but not good
I really don't want to have to get it operated on but I might have no choice. We'll see
Surprisingly strong especially since my left should subluxed a bit yesterday evening and was still not right when I got up. Settled itself thank g-d but I wasn't sure it would. elbow/triceps was back too and I think it all starts in the shoulder
It was not fun
But the swings were. I can't remember when I used the 36 for training but it moved really well. Feels great not to be in a fight with the kettlebell ALL the time.. I can really focus on form technique and timing so much more
this went easily and strongly. definitely feeling some unusual tightness of left leg IT band lateral quad down by my knee which is making me uneasy. I think the tightness is from lateral calf though do to going from 50 swings extra to 400
Plus 80 or so deep squats. gotta get this to relax tho so we'll see
This went great. My goal was to repeat last weeks pyramid but NOT feel ANYTHING in my elbow or triceps
Not only got that but made 200 too. Was thinking of taking 205 but did not want to be greedy 145 x 1 155 x 1 165 x 1 175 x 1 185 x 1 190 x 1 195 x 1 200 x 1 190 x 1 185 x 1 x 2 !! very very happy
Focused on unracking the bar with the chest instead of the arms and purposely kept my elbows down, if not a little behind the bar so as not to overload the tri's right out of the gate AS WELL AS thinking RIGHT the whole time
Best workout in forever. Energy really good, technique felt solid, body didn't hurt, power was good recovery as well
25 sets in 26 min, we were going fast. Of course I have been doing 10's with this weight but still
Very happy. even on the pushups tho I HAVE remember to THINK RIGHT. Testing to see how the tri/elbow would feel and immediately realized I was really doing the rep with MOST of my weight on my left arm!
So weird. Once I 'thought right' everything was fine
Pretty decent one. Cool weather and overcast and body felt good. Sleep was good too
Fast start, first mile in 15 min! Shocked me and I thought I would be able to continue that pace but it slowed a bit and ended up average 18 min mile four the total
these were good. not sure my mid back will like it though. but it definitely works the arms separately and no biceps impingement issues this morning after