Saturday, January 11, 2020

210 lb Press x 1, 215 x X, 207.5 x 1 x 4, pistol practice,floor pushups

Great training! While I didn't make 215 the groove was correct  and it was just that I wasn't strong enough today which is fine. First workout since I decided to go back to what I was doing when I did all the recent big weights and this proved that it was the right decision.
Groove is definitely not perfect already but I'm going in the right direction; vibram shoes, false grip,paused layback then push the bar back at the start

I added in push UP after I get the bar back as that keeps it over my mid foot which is key. If I keep pushing the bar back as I try to lockout it gets behind my foot and I lose balance backward. If I don't push up as I lockout the bar goes forward . This is the groove. Not to get better at it

this 210 went decently

the main thing is that I know where I am trying to put myself and the bar and that's everything

after the 215 x X I went down to 207.5 for 4 singles which were ok

65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x X ( out in front too fast)
205 x 1
210 x 1
215 x X
207.5 x 4!

Pistol practice
5 reps each side from concentric start alternating side
5 reps each side from top down start alternating sides
5 reps each side from top down all reps on one leg at a time

KEY CUE: HAVE to keep big toe engaged. still wearing Reebok Legacy shoes.

Floor pushups

these are the version to do.

BW 172
BF 13.0 ( post bath)

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