Saturday, April 30, 2011

Heavy day

Just like when I powerlifted I like Saturday's to be the heaviest and hardest workout of the week. That I get the rest of the weekend to recuperate is part of it but it's just been a tradition and habit since I started powerlifting back in 1990 and it's the way I like it.

It's so nice to get up and have nothing else to focus on except the workout that's imminent. For many years now though it's been pretty tough going because my "heavy" day meant more about more rehab than hard, heavy or intense training. A half a foot on the gas and both feet slammed on the breaks is not exactly motivating stuff.

But I persevered, as I do, and now I get to play, I mean work, hard again. Nothing I like to do more, actually(well almost ;)

I wasn't sure I was going to snatch today as even though I put the bell overhead on Tuesday with presses I didn't know if the increased speed of snatches might pull a bit on the stitches but it worked out well.
As did the rest of the workout too. Almost like a regular day, not a recovery workout.

6-7 am stretchout

One arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5 x 2
20 kg x5/5/5
24 kg x5/5/5
28 kg x5/5

32kg x5/5

that's it. bell speed was good, as was height of the swing( chin level for most). Nice too that it did not feel heavy in the hands or on the back and my forearms were fine, despite all those 15 lb clubbell swipes two days ago.

Power snatch
16 kgx5/5
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x5/5

easy money. stitches were fine.

Power swing two hands
24 kg x8
28 kg x7
32 kg x6
40 kg x 5

ok the 40 caught me off balance a bit on the first rep but it was also the first time I've ever done this drill with that weight. felt great after I adjusted my balance.

Two hand Clubbell Shield Casts
15 x8/8
20 x8/8
25 x 8/8
35 x 8/8

these were the real test of the stitches as the shield casts involve more of the pecs, through the biggest ROM as well as the shoulder/arm of anything I've done since they cut. No problem. Stitches come out on Wednesday, can't wait.


1 comment:

ambersbridal said...
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Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...