Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ten minutes of swipes.

Had two cancellations this morning and took the time to rearrange the mats at Girya, get a full stretchout in , and do a ten minute swipe test with the ten pounders. Wasn't sure I was going to do the swipes but I wasn't sore( surprisingly) from the press workout and I was going to the Docs today to get a chunk of skin cut out of my mid chest and I knew they were going to tell me not to train for awhile.

I thought I better get something in while the getting was good :)) I was right. I'm off upper body for at least a week and damn near everything you do with a kettlebell gets the pecs involved( surprisingly as well)
This will be an interesting opportunity to play with my new found squat pattern and stretches. They told me 'just lower body". OK :))

But I still stalled til the last minute, re setting the mats, stretching out, stretching some more,lol Then at 15 minutes to the next client I decided to turn the camera on and go for it.

"It" was ten minutes of swipes and I wanted 200. Of course the first time in two years I did 100 was three weeks ago and a 100% jump is reasonable right? lol. These are the tens though and that is different for me.

AND, the swipe is the most natural bell move I do. I can totally relax during it. I just wish kb's were that easy.

I did love this though and felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing up mid way when the music was rocking, I was feeling strong, in the Zone( where I love to be more than anyplace than next to my love) knowing I was going to get my goal, knowing it would be a strong performance and that I was in control.How nice to have nothing hurt.

And being able to go faster and faster as the time passed.

Strong is so good.

next swipe test is 15's for 100 reps.



Unknown said...

I just completed the RKC in St.Paul and we did a lot of your heavy single swings with resets. Pavel and Jeff O. loved them and used them regularly for punishment : ) I think its also a great teaching tool. Do you have an official name for them?

Mark Reifkind said...

Power Swing.

Mark Reifkind said...

congrats on becoming RKC btw and glad you liked the new swing variation. Tracy and I started calling them Hike, Swing, Park, then I called them Power Swings and then Pavel told me he wants to call them Rif swings,lol.

No matter what you call them, just do them!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mark. I'm so happy to be part of the community! I was trained by Lance Coffel here in Portland. He was a great mentor. "Rif Swings"...I think it deserves a patent.

I enjoy your blog Mark.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Noel, Lance rocks.thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment.

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...