Tuesday, April 19, 2011

28 kg long cycle press ladder: 2-5 reps.

It's amazing how far my press has come. From it being a throwaway cradle gift I took for granted for so many years as I concentrated on my less developed and talented lower body, to not being able to do it at ALL for over two years due to injury to the last two years of buildup from this workout.

It was a great start, with 3x3 short cycle with the 28 kg, just on a lark and intuition, to being able to train and progress it all this time with the 28 now feeling like a regular work weight and nothing special.

But MAN I am tight in the shoulders these days from all the volume and this was true today even after a solid one hour stretchout. Of course the stretchout was followed by an hour and a half of coaching but you would think more of the gained mobility would carry over. Ah, no.

At least not until I had done another half hour of pressing,lol. Then I was warm. It's so much fun to get old :))

ANd, as usual I had no idea of how heavy it would feel in my hands and the 20 kg warmup that felt heavy was not a good start.

It was not a good start with only one instead of two days rest after our weekend party but that's the way the cards were dealt so they were the one's I played. Didn't turn out so bad at all.

6-7 am
stretch and mobility work. playing with bands and hip tractioning,lots of squat pattern stretching and overhead work as well

8:30 Clean and press, long cycle

one arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x2
16 kg x 5/5 x2

long cycle c& p
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x3/3
24 kg x3/3 ( this felt strong, first set that did)

28 kg x 2/2
19 reps per side, 38 total

not bad at all. arms were just very sore and had to go more cautiously than I wanted to.

Two Hand CB arm cast

20 lbs x5/5
25 lbx5/5
35 lbs x 6/6

two hand shield casts
20 lbs x8/8
25 lbs x8/8 x 2 sets

3 x8 reps

these all felt great. definitely helped traction the tight elbows and forearms

datsit. tomorrow some cb swings


Boris T said...

Looking good Mark, always good to progress. I just stepped up to the 32's in LC myself.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Boris, and I saw that. I was going to comment but didn't get to it.Nice work but why the heavy stuff after all those 28 kg work sets?

was that how the workout was written or an afterthought? either way nice work.

guy said...

Good Show Sir!

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...