Thursday, April 28, 2011

Five min swipe test pr and swing Vo2

2 clubbell Swipes
5 minutes
96 reps

I haven't done any swipes since the Doc's visit last week but I wanted to give it a go today and see if it tugged on the stitches at all. I knew I wouldn't be doing kb snatches yet, just because that would be too silly even for me, but I didn't think the bent elbow, pullover position the swipes put me in would be a problem.

It seemed to be ok but as I finished a long day my energy was flagging so I decided again just to do a five minute test at Girya before heading home to do some swing Vo2 work in the garage. I don't know why I can do this so easily with clubbells and not kbs but I can.

I just did a few reps with the tens and a few with the fifteens to make sure nothing was tugging or pulling wrong and then I just went for it with the fifteens.

Last time I did 200 with the 10's in 10 minutes I knew my next outing would be with the 15's and I would go for 100 reps. I have done 150 continuous back in 2007 but I don't know how long that took and it was in another life anyway

I should always have someone count for me as I got mixed up here many times and thought I got 100 at first but on video recount, it's only 96.I need to have someone count from now on.

I was just really surprised at just how much this taxed my grip. and so early . My grip was talking to me at 30 reps and I really had to concentrate a lot not to let it get the best of me. I also needed more chalk right away and because I was being tentative in the movement itself( I wanted 100 reps but I wanted not to tear anything open even more) it made the grip even harder.

Looking at the video I can tell just how sloppy the form was in many respects but it is a recent pr and I'll take it. Especially after this last 10 days :))

Most reps I've done with the 15's in recent days was 25 so this is pretty good effort.

Swing Vo2
16 kg
40 sets of 9
360 reps
12,950 lbs

not a bad workload, lol. I am always surprised to see how much work can get done with these light weights. I could have done tens but didn't want to push here too.Snatches are almost easier to do than one hand swings and I was tempted to see but knew better.

Will be back to snatching next week.

not a bad week for an "off" week,lol.



jockeRKC said...

Just love reading your post Mr =)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Joakim :))hope you are well.

jockeRKC said...

After i have put my lawyer on the case changes have happened =)

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...