Sunday, January 23, 2011

Swing practice

Almost always there is a lesson to be learned when something tweaks. I now look at it as a very distinct sign that something has changed, either in my body , or my form and I need to pay attention, NOW.

My new swing form, where I set up on my whole foot and concentrate on breaking at the knee and the hip has worked perfectly; for my one arm swing and snatch groove. However, yesterdays little "lesson" made me think that perhaps my groove on my two hand swing might be difference and indeed it is.

I was not a happy camper yesterday with my truncated workout so I decided to 'punish" ( or reward) myself with a sunday am workout, something I have almost never done. But Tracy's at yoga and I had nothing to do but stew over yesterdays dissapointing training so I got my butt out to Stones Gym and went to work.

I knew I had to go back to basics with my swing form and lucky for me that not only have I been mentally preparing for my RKC ReCert next week in San Diego but also for a Learn to Swing DVD that we are shooting next month and its been right at the front of my brain.
Not only the skills but all the drills and corrections and Tracy and I have come up with some seriously cool drills to enhance and reinforce all the best positions of the Center of the RKC Universe, the Swing.

I can't post all the drills cause they are super secret for right now but the practice looked something like this:

KB Deadlift
KB Hover and pendulum
Pendulum to Swing
Hike pass work
Two hand swings

laddered up from 16 kg to 24 kg and then back down

Long cycle Clean and press

16kg x5/5 x 3 sets 30 seconds rest/sets.

Just to set the groove for Tuesday

Repeated the process with the one arm swing as well. All the drills and then the skills focusing on crisp form and positions.

Adductor felt fine :)) I've found that if I listen to the slight tap from the universe I don't get too much of a spanking. Ignore the warning from your body at your own risk. They are always there we just choose to ignore them

Part of this 'repositioning' seems to also involve my new gait pattern which now allows me to walk without knee pain for the first time in 15+ years! This is also what helped so much going to New York last week as the trip to and through airports and hotels was pain free for the first time in forever!

People who don't have chronic pain really have no idea how much energy dealing with it sucks up, but let me tell you it's considerable. And, when that pain goes away your energy levels and mood SOAR!

I keep waiting for it to disappear and realize it was just a dream but it seems to be holding and my "restoring lost physical function" project is moving on nicely: first my back, then my shoulder and now my knee.

I am actually thinking now I just might NOT need a knee replacement but the jury's still out on this one.

AND, for all those Tim Ferriss naysayers the idea for this gait pattern change came from his book in the chapter on Pose running. Thank you again Tim! All I ever want from anything I study is ONE THING. One idea that I can run with and this was certainly a doozy.

And training on Sunday wasn't bad either,no rush no hurry and plenty of time to stretchout and warmup. I might just try this on a regular basis

Sat: snatches/clubs
Sun: swings
Tues Clean and press/ clubs
Thur: one arm club work

either way very glad I got to it today!

The plan for tuesday is long cycle with the 28 kg for the first time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

the pain is always a good fellow when one pain is gone another will follow....I know this game and play it too for a long time ;-)

My knee problems started at the age of 18 and the doctor said:When i'm at the age of 25 i will be have a knee replacment!Now i'm at the age of 38 :-):-)

I hope you will fix your knee problems soon and the pain make a holiyday trip for a long time :-)

Take care and all the best for your new dvd projekt ;-)

Mark Reifkind said...

you're right bruce. I was so psyched that my knee pain was gone I didn't think something else would"tweak" so soon,lol.

but it's fine now. I probably will get a new knee in the future but for right now, with all the travel I have coming being able to walk pain free will be enough :))

thanks for the kind words and support.

Diana said...

Every time I open up Tim's book, I learned more!
Can't wait to hear him on Dr. Oz!

Mark Reifkind said...

it's a bit disapointing Diana, he keeps saying " four hours a WEEK" when it's four hours a MONTH as the premise for Tim's book.

Either way it's great coverage for Tim and Tracy.

Boris T said...

Good luck with the LC with the 28th as well as your RKC recert.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, as I sit here now just thinking about it I'm a bit nervous, to be honest

I killed the 5's short cycle but don't know at all how many reps/sets I will be able to do tomorrow.

I am hoping for 3 sets of 5/5 at least.I am really loving the long cycle and wish I could do jerks :))

we'll see very soon, lol. the key is to not get hurt as I have a lot of travel and teaching to do .

145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...