Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"One has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."

Pr's are hard for me to come by these days. Especially all time pr's , which means I've never done the lift with that weight or reps before, as opposed to 'recent' pr's which are the best I've done lately, not ever.

It's been a nice comeback of sorts lately with all kinds of function being restored, not the least of which is my pressing ability. After last weeks nice 32 kg short cycle workout( close to my best of 5 sets of 2) I had visions of doing long cycle this week with the 28 kg but am never really sure what I will be able to do until I get warmed up that day.

This was especially true after my lower back woke me up from a sound sleep this morning, the result of DOMS from my two back to back workouts this weekend;especially the two hand work. Two hand swings still work my abs so hard they tighten up the back almost on cue. I knew what the pain was from but was not sure I could get it loosened up in time for my 8:30 am training.

Plus, I wasn't sure I should even attempt the 28kg even if things did loosen up as I have to teach for 8 hours straight on Saturday at my first RKC ReCert in San Diego at Franz and Yoanna's Revolution Fitness La Jolla . Can't afford to be jacked up for that!

Got to stretch out for a solid hour from 6-7 am as Tracy taught her class and that helped but I still wasn't sure if I could, or should go that heavy.

My training spirit told me ,' no biggie, that weight is only TEN FREAKING POUNDS heavier than the 24 kg and you are crushing that for multiple long cycle sets of ten whenever you want!"

My rational mind, which remembers being in so much pain I couldn't turn over in bed told me not to be greedy.

As usual I would have to wait and see.

6-7 am stretch

joint mobility circles
stability ball back bends
brettzells ,two ways
up dog
down dog
ferris's hip stretch
groin stretch
lying hamstring strap stretch/crossover
overhead stick stretch
behind back shoulder extension stretch, two grips
overhead stretch in lunge
foam roller

Long cycle clean and press
warmup one arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 3
16 kg x5/5 x3

16 kg x5/5
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x 3/3

28 kg x3/3
x2/2 x 2 sets
32 lifts PR

Wow! this was amazing and although I still wasn't sure about my back even after the swing warmups the cleans told me the one arm work was re setting my stability. So strange but it makes sense in a way. When one is so asymmetrical doing symmetrical works just throws them even more off,lol!

The asymmetrical work brings me back into balance. Hey, I don't make the rules, I just know them. And listen to what the body is telling me that day. Once the back unlocked and relaxed the work was just as easy as it should have been, given my training.

Plus I just love my new military grade 28 kg and just want to use it,lol
here's the top set of fives

and the second set of four

I know now that this is my lift.I can really see building my base, top and bottom with this lift; such a unique combination of ballistic and grind. I also want to play with some high high reps with the 20 kg and see what my endurance is like

Two hand clubbell cast
15 lbs x 5/5
20 lbs x 8/8
25lb x 10/10 x 3 sets

man these are getting super strong and all reps were done with max acceleration. Very solid. Have to stop being so cheap and buy a 35 lber or start going up to sets of 12 -15!

Bodyblade laterals

3 sets of 10/10
really put some force into each rep.These are a great finisher and really cooked the entire shoulder girdle.

30 minutes post workout stretchout. Late client allowed me to have this extra time to really unwind after this great workout.

As I always say, you never know when it's going to fall in your lap no matter how badly you feel going into your training. You just have to suit up, show up and put out the best you can that day. And, somedays, like today, magic happens.



jockeRKC said...

nice lifts =)
And good PR nothing can stop us ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

congrats to your PR!

Thanks too for another great post from you ;-)
I can feel the energy in this words and will take this for my own workout this evening.... ;-)

Take care!

Mark Reifkind said...


this is true brother.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man for reading and for your consistent encouragement. It is appreciated:))

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