Saturday, May 29, 2010

721 to go.

To my goal of 50 thousand snatches.

Wow, another amazing workout, this time in max vo2 and the snatch. Thursdays training was SO strong I thought for sure I would have to back down as I would be feeling weak or tired or tweaked in some way but everything felt great yesterday, sleep was good, food was good, things are quiet and stable and I figured I could go over the 60 sets of 7 I did last week.

The question was, how many sets over? MY old norm was to make a pr by as few sets as possible and maintain progress longer. But something in my gut told me I could make a big jump today. The stars were aligned, it seemed. The joints and my muscles have been feeling better than ever( knock wood) and my recovery is at it's bets in a year.

Changing my eating to starting early has helped as well and my muscle mass and weight are up. It feels GOOD to feel strong again, lol. I so missed it. I love to work hard and push myself, just tired of being in real pain, not training pain.Big, Big difference.

I know my change in technique in my swing and snatch are making the difference and I'm really developing a confidence in my positions so that when the sets get hard( as they did today) I can just put my head down( metaphorially) and PUSH, and not worry the spine is taking the load. This is classic RKC swing technique as well as classic WSB power good morning technique and it's working great. I just had to switch over slowly.

Well not that slowly,lol. Keeping my head up, my back arched, my knees out and shins vertical really allows the hips to be maximally loaded. The key is keeping my head up, which keeps the erectors in extension and stabilizes my spine from flexing, which is very very bad for me.

I told Tracy I thought I would go for 70 sets on Saturday. She encourage me, as she always does, telling me she knew I could do it.
I knew, as I always know, that I wouldn't know, until I picked up the bell.But it's so nice when your woman believes you can do anything :))

30 min stretch out warmup

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
72 sets of 7
18,144 lbs!

It started out very strongly but at sets 35 it started getting rough( those 15 sec are short!) and I realized I had to do it all again I got a bit worried. I didn't want to overshoot and I thought that today could have very easily been the day to 'step back'.

I let my body guide me; I didn't mind the cardio or muscular fatigue I just didn't want to feel any "tweakyness" from the spine or hammie or pelvis.

And I didn't . Everything felt as symmetrical and uniform as it maybe ever has. Really felt 'linked' up and my groove and timing of each rep was solid.

I was finishing early too, so it was an 8 rep pace.

I didn't expect to do 72 sets but the gym boss when off after 100( 50 sets) and I lost two cycles on my counter so I just kept going. Tracy told me they had done 70 but I didn't want to mess it up and did the extra just in case. No worries.

And I didn't yak,although I wanted to, lol. didn't take my HR but it was 200 plus no problem. Haven't been there in awhile.

Next week 55 sets. Nice

Gama Cast with clubbells.( two handed shield cast)
20 lbs x 10 x 4 sets
25 lbs x 10 x 4 sets.

these felt strong as well. Am really enjoying my clubbell work too. So good for my arms, shoulders and upper back.

oh yeah, the kb outline was from the back of my shirt. I spent some time on my back on the pavement outside Girya after the workout. Good times :))


Kettlebell JP said...

Mark, I love the blog and I love the 50,000 snatches goal. Very cool.

Ben Warner, RKC 2005

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, glad you stopped by. can't wait to finally get my 50 k!

Kettlebell JP said...

I'm psyched for you to hit 50 K. I might try something like that sometime. In the meanwhile I'm trying to manage some decent snatch reps with the 32 kg.

By the way, I just started a kb blog at

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...