Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Groove of the day.

After Saturday's unbelievable day there had to be a step back and there was. A conscious one but not done without a bit of regret. Once you hit a new height there is always the fantasy that you can live there, or at least hang out more regularly.

To be able to play with that type of power, endurance, strength and freedom of movement at will, but it never seems to be the case. Today's workout a case in point.

Not that it was bad at all, excellent in fact, but just that it didn't have that ease, that grace "flo" that Saturday's had. Plus my groove was all over the place, lol. My training is, and always will be an experiment. An experiment with the possibility of perfect movement. Not to own it, I'm not that egoistic, but to touch it. Every so often is just fine.

So I tend to 'tinker' with things perhaps more than I should but it's how I am. I always want to make it better. OR at least be able to duplicate that which WAS better.

But my jacked up bent frame always seems to make me aware that what worked yesterday might not, hell, PROBABLY WON'T work today.

Since I have given up playing with any GS aspirations again for this year I thought I should widen my stance a bit in the swing,hi pull and snatch to work my hips more. I did it Saturday with spectacular results and today too. With less than spectacular results.

But I did do 200 hi pulls with the 24 kg at a pretty fast pace  and I haven't done that many reps in a while. But I haven't done enough mob and flex work and my shoulder was tight and didn't loosen up til the last 8 sets or so. Nor did I find my groove for the day. I simply have to make even more time to get on the floor and open things up but sometimes it's more difficult than others.

And sometimes 30 minutes is enough and others 60 isn't.

The wider stance, setting foot torque early and not letting it go really makes a difference in my hip power and snap and that was evident by the end of the workload when I really 'got' it dialed in.

High Pulls
16 kg  5/5/x3

24 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
10,600 lbs

20 kg  x 5/5 x 3

Just some form practice

Belt squat
32 kg x 15 x 5 sets

these felt great. they have to be in the mix. takes load off hammies. the weight felt so light.

floor kb extensions
16 kg x 12 x 4 sets

time to go up to 20 kg and cut the reps and build back up

bodyblade laterals
3 x 10/10


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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29