Woke up tweaked Sunday morning ( left shoulder of all things). VERY tweaked. I'd said my definition of getting old is when you get hurt in your sleep. I must be very old. My Saturday workout gave me no clue at all that I had stepped over any edge.
In fact, just the opposite. MY shoulder felt the most stable it has been in eons with virtually NO adjustments during the press workout, the handstand, hs pushups or L sits.So to have things go so very wrong on Sunday was more than a little shocking.
I thing it was the Power swings. I had dropped all two hand swings 4-6 weeks ago as I felt my shoulder didn't like them.Well, it REALLY didn't like 50 reps with the 32 kg in just over 5 minutes. My body does not like excess tension in certain muscles and since my joints are hanging together with silly putty and string, too much tension in muscles I have trained all my life too hard does not bode well
No sleep at all on Sunday night and LOTS of weird pain. But I knew the shoulder was "out" and once it either moved back or the tension in the offending muscles dropped enough to let it go back it would be back to normal in no time.
But it was not fun at all to not be able to lift your arm at all and have all the surrounding muscles locking up like bear traps.
Thing got better Monday and the constant stretching and mobilizing I could feel the excess tension receding, as well as pain, and ROM was increasing at regular intervals.
One of the great things about kbs is that you can do one arm at a time and even though my left arm wasn't working my right was fine so today was right arm snatch practice.
6-7 am stretchout
the full deal, from back over ball to overhead snatch lunge stretches. I could really feel how the overhead stretches were activating my turned off rotator cuff and this was a good thing.
One arm swings
14 kg x 10 x 3 sets right arm only
one arm snatches
16kg x 10x 5 sets right arm only
20 kg x 5 x 4 sets right arm only
all these were supersetted with light bodyblade laterals to activate supraspinitus. 10 rep sets left arm only
Clubbell swings
2 10's x 15 x 3 sets
2 15s x 10 x 4 sets
these worked great to externally rotate my shoulders ( left side tolerated it fine) and pack the shoulder. good choice.
L sits on P Barz
surprisingly these felt normal
five sets of 5 sec/ very easy
Reverse grip Band triceps kickbacks
4 sets of 15
these also felt good with the hands and arm externally rotated.
Good comeback from the abyss. That was close. No more power swings for awhile.
today I was very happy just to be able move and practice some skills, ANY skills with very little pain. One day ago my shoulder was throbbing just doing nothing and even the simplest skill that involved my arm was agony.it made my realize very quickly that just being able to have the luxury of focusing on practice of my movement and strength skills without being distracted my serious pain and injury is such a blessing and one so easily taken for granted.
I didn't think I was taking anything for granted but the stronger I get the stronger I want to get and I sometimes forget how beautiful just being alive, not in pain and able to move relatively well in the basics of life really is.
This was a serious wake up call. Got it. Check please.
Hi Rif,
A few days ago I read your posting on Power swings and tried them myself. I did 15 sets of 8-10 Power swings. Afterwards I felt fine and was surprised that I didn't feel more wrung out. The next morning was different. For the first time in three years I had a sore back. After about 5 days its gone but I think I'll skip Power swings. They can give you a real Sucker Punch.
thanks for the feedback. If your lower back is sore from these I would guess that your bottom position in the swing isn't optimal. you should only feel the hips/hammies after not the lower back.
instead of skipping them try doing them in lower amounts of intensity and volume. A little goes a long way with these guys.
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