It started off weird. My first client called in sick so I got paid to stretch out this AM. Did the full routine, soup to nuts and felt great afterwards. An hour of focused stretching, on your own at o dark thirty is not easy to do but it sure pays dividends.
Then my 8 am client also was sick so I got to do my afternoon workout first thing as well. I so hate training after work I knew I would have a stronger workout. I had an old friend my my World Gym Days drop in and had to catch up with him as he lives out of town so the workout wasn't as fully focused for the first half as it should have been but it was worth it.
2 clubbell swings
2 10s x 15 x 3 sets
2 15's x 10 x 3 sets( torch swings for the last 3-4 reps)
2 cb swipes
2 10s x 15
2 15s x 15
x 20
x 35
x 25
x 20
x 20
135 reps.
Much stronger than last week and the 35 rep sets is a decent workload pr. The total volume is good too. Want to make myself work up IN SETS OF 5 , though, from 20 to 35, instead of taking the big jump. 20, 25, 30 then 35 is MUCH harder than 20 right into 35, lol. One thing at a time.
8 sets of solid 10 second handstands. One touch on the wall then free stand. these are feeling VERY strong and I can even make corrections much easier.
decided to see if I could still do my headstand and headstand straddle press that I did at the cert 2 weeks ago. no problem ; easy peasy.left shoulder is a little 'sketchy in that position though and moved around too much.
About 3 sets of regular handstands then 3 sets of these straddle presses in sets of 2
Triceps pushdowns black band
about 100 reps in various sets using various hand positions, which I changed during the set as I fatigued( ie. from undergrip to overgrip to elbows up then down into the pushdown. Good pump :))
handstand Pushups
4 sets of 4-5 reps
lol decided to give these a try at the last minute and they were solid About half way down and NO shoulder clunkage as I descended. veery cool.Lots of weight on the outside edge of the heel of the hand.
All the shoulder pressing is paying off. Shoulders are VERY strong again.
Ring Supports
Since THOSE were easy I decided to give THESE a try too and I killed three solid sets of 5 plus seconds with NO shoulder movement here either. Very exciting..
Whole workout took 50 minutes
Datsit. Sisu
I'm liking it!
:)) love you honey.
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