But my left bicep tendon and shoulder is still wonky and moves in and out of position way too much so I really didn't know what to expect this morning. I thought I had gotten things squared away well last week but that was single arm work and who knows what today would bring?
7-8 am full stretchout
more focus on overhead stretches to prepare for the double overhead work planned.
8- 9:15
one arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5/5 x 3
short cycle clean and press
2 16's x 5 x2
2 20 kg x5 x2
2 24 kg x 5 x 7 sets
Found a very solid position that produced NO CLUNKS at all for any of the sets! Nice! I held my hands closer together and higher up than previously and it seemed to work well. At least for today:)) Very strong presses and I seriously thought about going up to the 28s for the last sets but decided to not be greedy :))
One arm swings
24kg x 5/5
28 kg x5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x5/5 x3 sets
Wanted to do some heavy swings today and secretly had the 36 kg in the back of my mind; but I haven't done one arms with it since April this year, which was the first time ever. I think I was stronger this time :))
The hardest part was my left hand grip! I was seriously worried I was going to drop the damn thing. Not a good sign. I need to stop worrying about volume so much and get my one arm swing strength UP again.NO reason I am not using the 40 and 44 kg bell in one arm swings for at least SOME reps regularly.
PBarz handstands
3 sets with bosu ball to start
3 sets from floor
each set was held 8-10 seconds
used Nick as the backstop. Have to start getting used to not using the wall. Very different. I'm used to overshooting the midline and then recovering. It's way harder to aim to hit the bullseye every time ,lol
Triceps extensions, black band
ouch. pump :)) my tricep size is definitely much improved and I like it alot.
datsit. Sisu
"Clunk" is a bad thing? I try to keep em as close as possible which leads to a lot of clunks, especially when doing 2KB-swings. Enlighten me! :)
'clunk' for me refers to my shoulders subluxating. years of gymnastics and injuries have lead to very unstable shoulder capsules.when things get too tight I get impingment and the shoulder 'clunks' and moves around. not nice.
Unrelated comment, but way to be for listening to White Zombie in that first video! I definitely approve.
But seriously, you made the double 24 presses look like nothing - especially awesome considering your shoulder issues. Very cool!
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