Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Beatings will continue until morale improves.

With repeated force and effort.
Lol, actually morale has improved, but the beating will still continue.We just call them workouts.Good one today. Just one week to go until the next cert in Minnesota( my absolute favorite place to teach, it's just home for the RKC, beautiful sunny San Diego, or even San Jose not withstanding) and I need to up the volume. Work capacity rules for life fitness and mine has been off. Getting better though.
And made some inroads into my quest for the Rite of Passage snatch test ( one day,lol) of 200 reps in 10 minutes with the 24 kg. I thought it might be a good idea to be able to do 200 total reps per workouts( let alone in ten minutes) in the sets of ten I will be doing.
Tracy's five minute snatch test and max vo2 training with the 16 kg inspired me last week and I'll be using that for motivation. SO today it was sets of 8 which, even though it's only 3 reps more per side seems WAY harder than that.
Actually everything was fine, cardio was good, hands held up well, the back and hips were good too. Nick was there and we went quickly in 'i go, you go ' pace.Used a definitive swing snatch technique today and it really got the speed up, a necessity if I'm going to try to sneak sets of ten into the mix.I so love my five rep sets,though. SO easy.

16 kg x 8/8x2
20 kgx6/6

24kgx8/8 x 10 sets
160 reps
8480 lbs

Had dreams last night as I preview my workout(imagine that) of doing 10 reps per side and 200 reps but I thought it smarter to make haste slowly and decided on 8's. I could have done 10's which is exactly what I wanted to feel. Not that I could barely do them. Havent done anything more than 5's with the 24 in eons and I can't tweak anything this close to the cert.Mainly happy with how strong my cardio worries.

Bottoms up clean

20 kg x5/5

Very happy with these, both the technique and the workload! Each hold was very very solid with great lat and total lower body rooting and solidity.excellent. AND my right thumb did NOT dislocate when I did the 28 or 32 kg as it did two weeks ago in san diego. most excellent.I just rushed it last time. I want to bottoms up press the 32kg at some point and this training will help.
took off the OL shoes for these. hey, it's what the body said to do so I listened.

Two Hand Clubbell Barbarian press
25 lb CB for 4 sets of 8

pretty tired for these for some reason but they were solid.
total workout time about 50 minutes.
Rifga stretching before and after, really focused on opening up left ankle, calf, hammie and right shoulder.



Boris said...

Looking forward to seeing you and Doc again Rif.

Mark Reifkind said...

same here man, which cert?

Franz Snideman said...

The bottoms up cleans are coming around nicely RIf....I heard you BUP the 28kg at the SD cert. That is very strong!

You gonna try the 32kg?

Boris said...

St. Paul this weekend. I'll be on Jon's team. See you Thursday!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, it's coming. double b/u with the 24 kgs soon.

Mark Reifkind said...


oh yes, the 32 will be mine. but at my current rate I will have to wait til next year to attempt it safely,lol.
just kidding. but I know I can do it.

Mark Reifkind said...


very cool see you soon.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...