Monday, September 28, 2009

Back from the HKC

Just got back in from St Paul and an incredible weekend at the innaugural HKC, certification. Hardstyle Kettlebell Certified! 130 candidates showed up for a one day program minimum intensive with the best and most important techniques and details of the best of the RKC exercises. It was even better than expected and the students and the instructors were amazed at how much got done.

It was lead by the Chief Instructor himself, Pavel , with all the Masters and almost all the Senior Instructors( SRKC Sara Cheatam could not make it) leading the ten teams!What an unreal sight. Luckily the weather held( it was supposed to rain) and we cooked instead of gotten soaked!Rain would not have been fun but it went perfectly.

The candidates showed in pretty decent shape but realized pretty quickly just how much there was to learn about such simple exercises,lol. This cert is going to be huge and will expose the basics of the RKC system to more people than you can shake a stick at.AND, I get to run these certs too! Way freakin' cool. The rollout for this is just beginning and it's just going to get very big very fast. I want to convert Girya into the Northern California HKC Central! I want to make it possible to work with as many people as possible at Girya for these certifications as well as going out to other locations to certify instructors in the basics of Hardstyle Kettlebell training.
This will mainly involve making as much space as possible and buying even more kettlebells. This can be done!
We've also got to get our " how to program the KB swing" book and dvd going. Lots and lots to do. But mainly I NEED to get some kind of training rythym going again, and feels like I havent worked out for real in a LONG time, much less done any serious yoga. I'm going to be one hurting puppy on all fronts very quickly. Can't wait.
I also need some rest but I don't know if I'm going to be getting much of that with all this new activity that will be going on.

Tracy was there of course and was assisting for Master Instructor Brett Jones, so she is pumped up to start doing these certs locally as well. I have a built in brilliant assistant for my certs! Perfect. AS well as the incomparably competent Jordan Vezina. This year should be very interesting.


guy said...

Outstanding Sir!! I can visualize myself doing the HKC 1st then the RKC, but 1 question? On an intensity rating, the RKC being 9( no such thing as 10 ), where does the HKC place in your opinion?

The price is right at $599.00 too, I have taken a 2nd job to save for the RKC. Can a person teach KB classes w/ the HKC cert? Just asking b/c I have had friends ask me "When are you going to certify so you can teach me?" If I can teach w/ an HKC cert, then it seems that it almost pays for itself.

Great post as usual, Sir 2 more questions. 1st I have read that you eat pretty healthy and do the WD. Do you allow for special occasion meals at the certs or after? What about holidays?
2nd is a Mr. And Mrs. Riff book on Life training and everything ever going to be released? Hint, hint. ;)

Mark Reifkind said...


the intensity of the HKC is a bit lower than the RKC as it is only one day as opposed to the three of the RKC but it is a solid 5-6. It is a 9 ( there is no 10's eh?)on the teaching level as that is what really qualifies you. and yes ,it is an instructor course.the price also is $499 ,not $599. better deal.
I do eat warrior diet style but have no problems with dessert or fats. the key is quantity as much as anything. everything in moderation.
as to the book we are in serious focus mode as to getting it done. promise!

Mark Reifkind said...

ps ,

you should definitely do the the HKC, it will set you up incredibly well for passing the RKC!

Diana said...

Mark, it was truly an honor and an awesome opportunity to meet with you and then get the luck of having Tracy be Team Jones' assistant-well that just topped it all. It was a fantastic weekend-I have learned things about myself I never could have imagined. This inaugural event was very well organized and one would never guess it was the first ever! I look forward to taking the knowledge I was taught that much farther. Until I get the A-OK on my video and get the final "pass", I am busy with reading, and practicing, and reading, and practicing! I day I stop learning is the day I die!
Thanks for a great weekend and I hope our paths cross again!
PS/Great idea of having HKC central! I know you both will pull that off without a hitch!

Mark Reifkind said...


it was great to meet you too. I know you will pass the things you need to to get your cert. let me know how I can help.

take care


DanMartin said...

Mark, this means I can drag my dead ass down to the peninsula and take a HKC? (If you hold one.)

Mark Reifkind said...


yes it does. we just need to get 11 more people and we are good to go!

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...