Thursday, November 22, 2012

Two hand swings, Westside-Style.

I love this alternating of ballistic two hand swings and dead stop power swings. Pavels 'same but different' mixed with Louie's alternation of special exercises: essential the same but different as well.
Just different enough to stimulate in a new way but similar enough to actually have a crossover effect to the main exercise.
Switching them each week is paying off so today I thought it would be a good idea to combine them and come up with a new special exercise; a power swing followed immediately by a ballistic one.
Tracy does this type of stuff all the time but to me it's new.
The goal in the swing is to learn how create maximal speed and power from a dead start. The goal of the ballistic swing is to maximize power and acceleration from the momentum of the back part of the swing(" where the swing actually happens", says my wife. And she's right.

So it makes sense to combine them and try to get as much acceleration from the power swing as you get in the ballistic.

And man these were tough. And it also so nice to be able to play with a 32 kg bell and feel that it's actually not that heavy. There was a time, not TOO long ago, that ANYTHING under 400 lbs I just did not consider heavy. And 100 pounds was not heavy for anything, under any circumstances.

The key here, just as on WSB squat or bench speed day, was to move the weight as fast as possible; throughout every inch of the range of motion. They needed bands and chains and to squat on a box to accommodate leverage with squats and benchs but not with the kb. Just a heavy enough bell .Of course one can always attach a jump stretch band :)) and then it REALLY becomes interesting

But, either way the key is to try to stand as fast as possible.Maximal compensatory acceleration.Faster is better and more powerful.

But that was many moons ago and for the last 5 years  32 kg was a heavy weight and 48 was VERY heavy; too heavy for me for anything but deadlifts. Not fun
No longer and it IS fun now.
 But today was not easy as yesterday I got bit by some allergen and spent about 15 hours sneezing non stop.

I thought I was sick but it was an allergy attack and I didn't realize how much it took out of me til this afternoon. I was SORE! from sneezing, lol. and tuesdays workout but as much from sneezing.

But the power was still there and I just got it done. Nick showed up and all three of us got the workout done quickly

Power/Ballistic swings
20 kg x 5
24 kgx5
32 kg x 1 power/ 1 ballistic x 5 x 10 sets
100 reps
7200 lbs

Pbar pushups with chains
Bw x 8
      x 8
25 lb chain x 6
                 x 6 + 1 bw

another WSB type variation on the pushup. Still on p bars but with the chain draped over the hips. Soon it will be the neck. I used to do close grip pushups to a bar on the low pin of the power rack with 100 lb plate on my back for 2 sets of max reps on max effort day.Every 4 th workout was  a max rep workout and my best was 33 reps. Not bad but I've got a ways to go.
But I've also come so far on my pressing. It was just August that I couldn't do ONE full pushup and not it's back to weighted sets and reps.

I will take it :))
Still had some movement in the shoulder after 4 reps but it wasn't subluxing.

bb laterals ss band laterals
2 sets of 10/10 each


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...