Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New territory

I still can't believe that after all these years I can actually train the two hand kb swing.It's a crazy good move and I knew exactly what I had been missing all these years.

The most powerful expression of the swing that one can do and with some of the heaviest weight. But not the heaviest ( unless one is using a t bar handle), that is reserved for double bell swings.
And when I saw that Pavel had re instituted double bell work for the SFG Level 1 course I thought I might be able to train these  moves again as well.

Right again. I started with 20 kg two bell swings last week and, to be honest, they were hard. Well not hard as well as awkward. I just don't have a groove in them and I don't have the hip with or size to do well as wide as I have to go to swing them. But, too bad so sad, get to work and improve as much as you can. That's all that matters.

So went back to the double today, especially after being inspired by Ricardo Garcia  SFG 2, from Full Force PT in Modesto watching his double cleans with 40kg bells. Ricardo only weighs 141 pounds and when he told me he had to double snatch the 24's for 5 reps to re cert his Level 2 I knew I had to get to double work!

One arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5 x 3

Two KB swing
2 16s x 8 x 2
2 20's x 5

2 24s x 5 x 7 sets

These started out tough and got better. The video is sets 3 or 4. I really have to get back on my heels at the top to not get pulled over. I found this out on the down sets with the 20 kg but I was happy these went as well as they did.
Such a different balance point and groove.
2 20's x 8 x 5 sets

these actually felt great! way better than last week. Better bell speed on eccentric and concentric and better bell  height as well. the 24s today felt like the 20s did last week. Just need to do a lot more reps and start including double cleans and snatches as well.

Belt squats
32 kg x 20 x 3 sets

these were good and fluid.this is another key "balancer" or corrective for me. If I don't do them my hamstrings are much tighter the next day.need the quad stim as well.

BB laterals
3 x 10/10



Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, not knowing what SFG was I googled it at learned its the new cert from Pavel on StrongFirst. That new curriculum looks fantastic and the double kettlebell work is great! I look forward to watching your blog for inside tips and news. Any chance your going to be doing any of the barbell exercises he outlines?

Mark Reifkind said...


you should go to StrongFirst.com for updates on the SFG stuff.

as far as barbell work goes, I put in 8 years with bodybuilding and 13 years powerlifting and my body doesn't like the barbell anymore:))

it's the KB that saved and rehabilitated me so that's my focus these days. that and bodyweight work.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, I joined the forum over there. I also just listened to your episode of The Stealth Body Podcast. I didn't realize your injuries. OUCH! Now I understand the reason you train the way you do. Great podcast by the way.

Mark Reifkind said...


yup I am very lucky to be able to train at all, and I know it.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...