Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Light week

I always hated the week before competitions. You always had to taper back the workouts which made the waiting for the "peak" even harder as you couldn't dissipate the energy through hard training. For me Certs are competitions as they require a great physical effort for me, 15-16 hour days for four days straight with lots of demos, teaching, schlepping kbs and just ALOT of movement.

So I always try to NOT get tweaked the week out; just not enough time to heal up.SO why I decided to get on the eliptical runner yesterday to see if I could tolerate it I don't know. I know better than to try anything new the week before a cert and specifically the eliptical. Usually it's my back that yells. Today it was my sartorius.

I spent about 5 minutes on the damn thing and it felt great. Easy and strong, FInally I found something my knee would bend enough to tolerate and perhaps I could get some real endurance training in for my legs but I forgot that bilateral stuff just won't work for me.

I have to find something to build up the left leg by itself until it's ALOT stronger before I try too much bilateral work( 100 ups seems to be fine) or my stronger right side just takes over, STILL, and I get out of balance. Doesn't take much; which sucks, but that's how it is.

Felt fine yesterday. Felt fine this morning BUT I had a new 6 am client and didn't have time to do my full stretchout this morning. Or yesterday ( that's just being lazy) and I paid the price. Nothing bad but seriously irritating.The mobility is more important than the loading.

The mobility ALLOWS for the loading. I can't skip or skimp on it.

So half way through my light day of one arm swings with the 24 kg my left sartorius says "hi" to me in mid set with my left arm. SHIT!  And I'm out of kinesiotape! ACK.

I know it will be fine but I also know the workout will suck and I have rehab to do. great.

One arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5 transfers
20 kg x 5/5

24 kg x5/5
          x 6/6
          x 7/2 (tweak)
16 kg x 5/5 
20 kg x 5/5/
24 kg x 5/5 x 4 sets

it settled down but it's not happy.I always try to re establish a normal movement pattern as soon as possible after a tweak to "teach" the cns that's safe to do that movement and to stop spasming the muscle. This always seems to help and did today. didn't plan to use the 24 kg but I was still hoping for a workout.The strain wasn't that bad but it was new and I hate new injuries , they take way more time.

KB Mil Press
16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5
25 kg x5/5 x 3

well if I can't swing I might as well press and test my wonky shoulder. what is up with me today? I survived but the left shoulder still doesn't like pressing. I have to play with the move with very light weights and find a new position.

Floor handstands ( no spot)
4 sets of 10 seconds

at least THESE were solid. Best in a long time.

Kinesio tape arrived. I look like a mummy

And I decided to train at home on Tuesdays in the garage after work with Glenn. I will stretch out at 8:30 with Tracy. It has to be
 5:30 PM; full stretchout

Sisu/ Never Quit


Mike C said...

Rif- See you at the RKC. I'll be doing my recert.

Good luck, and hope you feel 110% by Friday :]

Good easy mobility and "play" day with movement today. Probably went a little too hard last night on my last taper workout. Will take tomorrow totally off except maybe for a couple qigong routines.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Mike, I'm good to go already. Love me some kinesio tape. see ya soon

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...