This went great. every rep was fast but I figured out some even more important details
Yes, the elbows have to be "up" but why? the more in front of the bar they are the more my T spine extends! As I lift the elbows the chest lifts too. ( what's really happening is that the upper arm is moving and the T spine mimics that angle
BUT BUT BUT I HAVE to keep that angle when I unrack it! IF I unrack with knees and or hips and elbows drop it's sub optimal
One the lifts where I hold the angle on unracking everything is much more balanced
For example the first rep of this second set with 175 is perfect and the lockout is easier and in balance. the second rep I dont maintain enough pressure on the bar and it sinks a bit and I fall back a bit also at the lockout to compensate. third rep is a blend of the two
and the first rep of the fourth set with 175 is the best rep of all 12. I really unrack the bar with ARM PRESSURE INTO THE BAR AND COME STRAIGHT UP OFF THE PINS!And elbows stay up during the unracking and back arch doesn't change
Second rep is also perfect. third rep is good but elbows are just not quite high enough
on the first rep with 2nd set of 185 the ebows are ok but not optimal, just a tad low and bar goes up too much and not back enough. the bar path FOLLOWS THE ELBOW ANGLE at the start of the press/Second rep elbows are up more and rep is betterlast set with 185 was solid. I focused on elbows up , lock knees, press to X as cues and it helped. I think I was getting a bit tired here and wasn't focused enough on maintaining upwards pressure on the bar as I unracked itMore practice but this technique is solid!
Starting press with bar as high as possible off the pins is key too
BW 175.6
BF 14.4