Monday, March 18, 2013

Double 22 kg swings, press practice

and getting back into my legs and hips. It's incredible just how fast my hip strength disappears but it's reality and I have to deal with it.

I can do the movements but the power, well, lets say it went on a trip of it's own and is not fully convinced it needs to return.Plus I was sore as hell from the snatches Saturday. mainly in the arms but all over as well. Things will be back to normal next week but man, just a few days off and things go south fast

Got in extra early this AM to get a full stretchout  and it helped. Upper body sore and achey but the lacrosse ball cracked open the grody tissues a bit

1 pm
Double swings
2 14's x 10 x 2
2 16's x 8 x 2
2 20's x 8
2 22's x 8,9,10 x 3 rounds
          x 10 x 2
101 reps
9696 lbs (!)
 forgot that I'm swinging 96 lbs ,lol. that adds up fast. It's interesting that this is the swing variation that allows me to keep my elbows straighter than all others, as I don't have to cross midline. They still weren't perfect( left, mainly) but today was off. Perhaps I should widen my stance in my one arm swing and snatch techniques to let the arm straighten more in the bottom. we'll play with that.

KB press Practice
16 kg x 5
20 kg x 4
24 kg x 2 x 3 sets

not feeling it here either with the soreness but just wanted to touch the weight

Belt squats
40 kg x 25 x 4 sets

these really helped 're set' the legs. Love em. took a few sets to get going but very solid at the end. time to stretchout.


coming soon to a Stones gym near me :)

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32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

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