Wednesday, March 27, 2013

32 kg two hand swing: 20 sets of 10( pr)

One nice thing about not having been able to do two hand swings all these years is that almost every workout I do is a personal record of some kind:) This one, however, was a real one with the last pr being 150 reps in sets of 10 a few months ago. This was easier too and definitely could have done more.

Can't believe how much I love doing two hand and double bell swing workouts these days. I always thought I would like them if I could do them, reminding me SO much of power squats and good mornings but I never got to train them. Making up for lost time now.

Pretty beat tired today too. For some reason I woke up way too many times last night and started the day tired. 7 hours later I was beat and hungry and it was time to train. Oh well, one of those days when you don't think you just go or you'll lay down and not get back up.

And, not surprisingly it was a strong workout. It almost always works that way; another reason I don't stress about starting a training session when things aren't right. Those have been some of my best session.

6:30 am 1/2 stretchout
10-11am full stretchout

Two hand swings
16 kg x 10
20 kg x 10
24 kg x 10
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10 x 20 sets
200 reps
14,000 lbs - Nice!

These were pretty fast paced too, with just Glenn and I going back and forth.Surprisingly easy and strong.

Snatch holds
18 kg x 40 sec
20 kg x 40 sec
24 kg x 40 sec

overhead position best ever. Coming along very very well. getting a great stretch this AM helped a lot too.

Single bell press practice
16 kg x 5/5 x2
18 kg x 3/3 x 2

just playing with the start. thinking 'standing bench press' and really working on pushing away from the bell

rack walks
16 kg x 200 ft x 4 laps : 800 ft total

now the fatigue is catching up :))

bblade laterals
3 x 10/10

Floor Pushups
3 x 6,7,8

these felt great . no pain or instability at all.

need some freakin' sleep tonight!


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32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

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