Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Snatch Vo2 35 sets of 7, 5 sets of 8

Man it's like back in the old days, 90 degree heat in the Courage Corner and lots of sets of snatch vo2 to do.
There would be sweat. I was hoping there would not be blood.
 I was seriously sore from Saturdays training,in weird places which always worries me but I spent plenty of time on the floor for a change the last two days ironing them out, and by the time it came to train I was ready.
ANd so was Glenn,he's getting used to this diabolically form of met con torture and that helps.

My main concern was getting my form down on my left side, which differs from my right. Not much but just enough so that if I don't do it right my shoulder is not as stable.  So I did it right:))

This means laying back a bit more before the drop, keeping the arm closer to the ribs and breaking later. Minor details but the devil is in the details it is said.

Worked great and relieved of the worry of what would happen with my shoulder each set I could really get into the workout in a way I haven't in a long time.

One arm swing warmup
16kg x5/5 x3

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
I go you go (15:15)
7 reps per arm
35 sets of 7
5 sets of 8
285 reps
10,260 lbs

solid work! I truly associated the whole time and focused on technique each and every rep,especially on left. 50 sets next week, time to step this up before I go travelling again.

Hip Belt Squats with KB
16 kg x10
24 kg x 10 x 3 sets
         x 12 x 1 set

thought this would work and it did! Just strapped the kb to the IronMind hip belt , held onto the power rack and squatted! it worked well. Medium stance, toes forward and hips back as I descended. We'll see what fall off tomorrow but the knee said yes today. As well as the quad! Nice.

When I did this exercise in the past I gave up on it because I couldn't figure a way to get enough weight on the belt AND get deep. Not a problem now. This TOTALLY takes the lower back out of the squat and puts all the load on the quads and hips. Take out the balance component with the hands on the rack and it might be just what I need to regrow some left quad muscle!

Even when I was doing a complete wide stance, low bar, knee wrapped, suit bottom power squat I had way more leg size than I do now and my knee is not much better. My back yes, but not my legs. time to change that. Perhaps this is it.:))

Handstands against wall 
5 sets of 10 seconds

much better this week. basically a tap off into a free HS hold. much less stress on the wrist and forearms this way. I can only go into free kick ups after I've really built my base back up on these.

KB Presses tomorrow!


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...