Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back to normal. Snatch Vo2 35 sets of 7

It's weird how not training does NOT make me feel better. Not looser or more mobile, more recovered or have more energy. Just the opposite. And standing for 10-12 hours on hard surfaces hurts my knee and back way more than walking on them.

Actually, that's a pretty cool thing to be able to write,that it's finally easier for me to walk than stand.Progress indeed. Slow, for sure, but totally in the right direction. And to me that's all that counts.

And missing even one workout makes me lazier right away. I didn't want to do this workout today but I KNEW I would feel immensely better as soon as I had. And I did.

I also knew that I had to start back slowly today as my body felt extra 'weird', extra 'all over the place' structurally.

But I got a full hours stretchout this morning from 6-7 which helped a lot and made sure to do a lot of bodyweight hinges today throughout the morning as this really 're sets' my body.Air swings rock! Plus, I wanted to make sure I didn't lose my swing/snatch groove.

Snatch Vo2
"I go you go" style with Glenn
16 kg
35 sets of 7
245 reps
8,820 lbs
20 minutes

Just a wee bit slower than 15:15 but I don't care. I get in trouble when I try to go too fast too early in a cycle and this was better. I did my seven reps as fast as i could while STILL really focusing on all the important cues for me: lean,bend, pop, pull.

If I lean as I descend in the swing or snatch I sit back, then to load my glutes and not just my hamstrings I have to think 'bend the knees" and my hips load. Then pop the hips and the bell floats THEN pull it in with the upper back. Then the effortless punch through.

Franz Snideman Sr RKC made a great observation at this weekend's Re Cert in San Diego that a caandidate was 'swinging on her hamstrings and not her glutes' as she had no knee bend in the hinge. That NAILS it. One can swing or snatch stiff legged just fine, but the power source will be the back and hammies and not the glutes and all the others in the posterior chain. Just a little knee bend is enough. I think of it as "shock absorbing" the load.

Wall Sit
bodyweight x 30 sec
2 8 kgs x 30 sec x 3 sets

Trying this to find a quad exercise to build up my weak left quad and not tweak my knee a well as  help de load the hamstrings from all this swing snatch work. We'll see tomorrow.

Floor handstand with spot
5 sets of 5-6 seconds

Rough! wow haven't done these in 3 weeks or so and I can really  tell. Totally lost on timing but came back better by the last set.

Feel normal again.:))



Jack Cruz said...

I know it was very tough for you and good thing everything is fine right now.

upper back

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Jack,it's good to get back to my routine :))

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...