Saturday, June 11, 2011

KB Snatches, two ways.

Since my wife is a gourmet cook so I watch a lot of cooking shows. One trend with these chefs is to prepare the same food ingredient "two ways" showing how the same food can be used completely differently. I did the same with my snatch training today, focusing first on power and rate of force development with the power snatch , and then on endurance snatching doing the RKC snatch test for 5 minutes right after.

I have made no bones about hating to do continuous snatching for much over 10 reps per arm or 20 reps per set and did my snatch test reluctantly because I had to. I will willingly do tons of total reps and sets,I just don't like to do them one after the other because that requires a completely different energy system, power production and mind set.

Mainly, being relaxed. Not my norm when I train as I like speed, power and strength training much more.

But it's bugged me for awhile that I can't just pop off an RKC snatch test with the 24 kg whenever I want to. For a long time it was my injuries keeping me from pushing myself with the test but I can't use that excuse anymore.

Especially when I can do 100 swipes in five minutes whenever I want, easily ( as long as it's the 10lb clubs,lol).And being able to do so with the tens made me realize that I've never taken the test with the 16. Tom Corrigan RKC and GS athlete/coach extraordinaire told me I should start my gs training with 12 kg and work up first for time and then weight. This is what the great GS coach Rudnev told him.

So I put my pride in my pocket and decided to do the snatch test with the 16kg today, after my power snatch work. I wasn't sure my wind would be good even with the 16; it's been THAT long since I did this type of snatch work.

It went well. Very well.Much like the 10 lb clubbell test. It's all easy when it's light,lol. But when I fell off pace in the middle and Nick screwed up my info I almost lost it.But it all ended well and I got my 100 in 4:50.Perfect. Next time with the 20 kg. They key is staying as relaxed as possible and doing as little work as possible on each rep and still keep the pace.

6:45-8 am

Full stretchout and mobilization, upper body focus. Lots of hammie work, splits three sides and toe mobs.

Power snatch
14 kg x 5/5
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x4/4

24 kg x5/5 x 10 sets
100 reps
5300 lbs

these were WAY tough! I filmed the 5th set because I didn't know I would get to the 10th set. As my wife likes to say, "it's just a suggestion", as far as how much work to do,lol, but I knew I had already programmed 10 sets of 10 in my head and anything less would be a failure.

Besides whether or not I could do the 5 min snatch test after these, all I could think of was Sr. RKC Peter Lakotos doing 100 consecutive power snatches with the 32 kg! This is such a a different animal than ballistic snatches that it really took me awhile to re "get" my groove. But I did and the last 5 sets were the strongest.

Nick asked me mid way through what was working the most on me and I said " my ass!"My glutes and legs were on fire! Excellent! Power snatches rock. Thanks to Tracy for taking the Power swing to the next level.

Five minute Snatch test

16 kg x 100 reps in 4:50.

This is really all about pacing and I've got a lot of work to do,lol. Next stop the 20 kg bell and perhaps before the heavy work,lol,

tactical pullups

5 sets of 5 up to chin level with solid hollow body and vertical forearms. these felt great.

Ring triceps extensions

5 sets of 4.

better than last week although I can't get full extension or my left biceps tendons gets wonky. Good work though..

Datsit. Sisu.


jockeRKC said...

Real good practice Mr Rif.
We are going to bang out the snatch test when ever we want after this work out =)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Joakim! this is definitely the start to get there.

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...